
Do people often say that your son looks like Rosie O'Donnell? Is your baby's cranky face reminiscent of Gilbert Gottfried? Does your daughter have a lizard-like quality that reminds you of Rachel Zoe?

If so, you are eligible for the "The Mommy Shorts Baby/Celebrity Lookalike Contest" sponsored by Toddlewood!

Toddlewood is a photo project started by my photographer friend— Tricia Messeroux. She's unveiling "Toddlewood Unplugged" on August 25th in NYC, a show that will feature kids dressed as musical icons such as the Black Eyed Peas, Janis Joplin and Justin Bieber. (She often does casting calls from the Toddlewood facebook page so if you're interested, become a fan.)

The two of us teamed up to do a baby/celebrity lookalikes contest MOMMY SHORTS STYLE. That means reader-submitted photos and VERY loosely based pairings. No costumes, no make-up— just kids that for one reason or another look like someone famous.

I made a request for entries last week and so far I've received 32 lookalikes. As much as I would love to show them all right now, the contest will be rolling out on the Mommy Shorts Facebook Fanpage all month long.

Below are the first 10 entries to give you a taste of what you're in for…

Brodie & Billy Idol:


Eddie & Nick Nolte:


Vivian & Justin Timberlake:


Charlie and Humpty Dumpty:


Vincent & The Situation:


Anna & Michelle Williams:


Rhys & Russell Brand:


Conner & Matthew Macaughney:


Gabby & Drew Barrymore:


Charlie & Popeye:


Pretty awesome, right? And that's just the beginning… 


Anybody who wants to enter can post a picture of their kid (0-5yo) on the wall of the Mommy Shorts Facebook Fanpage (along with your kid's first name and the name of the celebrity you think he/she looks like)*. Then I'll download the pictures, make a celeb side-by-side and post it in an album where everybody can vote on their favorites.

PRIZES (of course there are prizes!):

TWO WINNERS will each receive an $100 Amazon gift card, courtesy of Toddlewood.


Entries will be accepted up until August 25th. Then there will be a week to make sure everyone has enough time to get their votes in and the winners will be announced on Monday, September 5th.


Winner #1 will be determined by whoever has the most "likes" on facebook. Winner #2 will be selected by an as yet undetermined (celebrity?)** panel of judges.

Good luck to everyone and I hope you all join in on the fun!

* If you would like to enter but don't know who your kid looks like, just post a picture and I'll see if I get inspired. But fair warning— that's how Humpty Dumpty happened.

** If you are a celebrity, know any celebrities, currently have a restraining order against you for stalking one or more celebrities, please let me know. ("CELEBRITY" can be loosely defined.)


One last thing! I'm guest posting for Kristin over at What She Said today about going on a "Date Night" with my husband. (Kristin will now be known as Justin Timberlake's mother.) Check my guest post out here.