800302000000_bal126488Mazzy’s birthday party is on December 11th and I have yet to really plan anything. (Kind of like last year.) I’ve sent out an evite and people are coming but that’s as far as I’ve gotten. I was also informed by Mazzy that she expects cake and candy and prizes.

“What kind of prizes?”

“Tuna salad.”

Guess the menu is settled.

Then, a few days ago, my sister told me that she wants her husband to come to the party in an Elmo costume as part of Mazzy’s present. I can’t think of anything Mazzy would like more so I agreed to it.

THEN. Almost immediately after, Crumbs emailed to ask if I’d like an Elmo themed Colossal Cupcake for the party. Huh. Apparently, they’ve been reading the blog and know all about Mazzy’s obsession. Well, how do I turn THAT down???

Now this presents me with a dilemma.


Does this mean I am throwing a Sesame Street themed party???

And if so…


I mean, I’m not even sure I’m the type of person to have a theme at all until my child starts begging for one. And can I really impose something as lame and generic as a Sesame Street theme ON MYSELF? Without any begging or screaming or threats of leaving home from Mazzy whatsoever?

But wait. Let’s think rationally. Is it possible to have a COOL Sesame Street themed party?

I did some research.

Screen shot 2011-11-16 at 11.05.51 PM

It appears the answer is “yes”. I love color and Sesame Street is awfully colorful. Plus those Sesame Street t-shirts/onesies from American Apparel would make awesome party favors. As for most everything else, I would have to morph into Martha Stewart within the next week or so and then rent a “crafts only” dedicated apartment where I could lock myself without television or internet until I mastered the conehead construction paper version of Big Bird.


But maybe I could summon the energy to buy a goldfish.

Cause “first pet’s death” is an awesome gift for a two-year-old’s birthday.

Speaking of which, how many Dorothys do you think Elmo’s World cycles through each year?

Sorry. I don’t why I got so morbid all of a sudden.

I’m gonna try my best not to talk too much to any of my new mom friends at the party.

Or maybe, I’ll just distract them with my awesome cookie monster cake…


I mean, how hard could it be to learn to sculpt with fondant, anyway?


Alright friends. Serious question. To theme or not to theme? If so, what’s your favorite birthday party theme you have done or seen?