Last night I discovered how to make side link buttons and went a little design crazy. I thought I was doing it on a secondary template but turns out I was saving over the current one. I'm not sure I like it but it's all I got at the moment. Maybe it'll grow on me, maybe it will be different in a week. We'll see.
Also, for those of you following both Mommy Shorts and The Mommy Project you may have noticed I've been spending a lot more time over at Mommy Shorts. I decided to concentrate my efforts over here with only the occasional update over at the The Mommy Project for things like the wedding invitations I recently designed for a friend of mine. They'll be posted as soon as she mails them out.
In the interest of building out Mommy Shorts, I'll be posting some of the old Mommy Project content that I feel can live over here. If you haven't already read it, great. If you have, there will be plenty of new stuff as well.
Carry on.
UPDATE: I'm into it.