Have you noticed that I haven't posted as much about Mazzy lately? Here's the deal. I generally like to talk about all the annoying, difficult, humiliating, painful, confusing, debilitating (etc.) aspects of motherhood. But Mazzy has just turned 14 months and the truth is, she's been pretty awesome as of late. She's sleeping well, she's walking like a pro, she's learning to talk at an alarming rate. She even mastered the art of travel. We went away last weekend and she wasn't whiny, she slept fine (even in the car), she played well with the other kids… and for the life of me, I can't find anything interesting to write about ANY of it.
I mean, FOR THE LOVE OF MOMMY SHORTS, can the baby please wreck my bathroom or pee on the carpet or throw a fit in the supermarket or something?
Otherwise I am going to have to write things like…
Today Mazzy pronounced the letter 'k' on the end of "boo" to successfully say "book". We are so proud!
How lame would Mommy Shorts be then?
Or maybe I should tell you this compelling story:
Mazzy & The Pillow Pet
Grammy got Mazzy a pillow pet and I was like "Great! Another unecessary toy to clutter up our apartment!" But then Mazzy started dropping whatever it is she is doing to lay on the floor and rest her head on it and it's totally the cutest thing ever!
Would you like to hear about the baby's favorite new game?
Mazzy likes to open and close her bedroom door. But each time she opens the door, she runs out, gives me a big hug and then runs back inside to shut it. Then she does it over and over, falling head first into my arms each time. If you don't think that is anything short of AMAZING, well, then I didn't it explain it right.
Still reading? What other sickening story can I tell you?
Mazzy says "I love you". Mainly, she just repeats it back but she's gotten the annunciation down almost perfectly. I know she doesn't know what she's saying but sometimes she says it unprompted and looks me right in the eye so it kinda feels like maybe she might know…
Do you want to throw up yet?
How 'bout some good old-fashioned my-kid-is-better-than-your-kid stuff?
If Mazzy takes a toy and another kid gets upset, you can just say to her— "Mazzy, will you give so and so back his/her toy?" And she will walk over with an outstretched arm holding out the toy, and the kid and the parent will just look at her all befuddled like who is this well behaved baby that is totally into sharing???
Anybody interested in that?
Here's a good one!
Mazzy has somehow learned that the word "cute" refers to her clothing. So I will put an outfit on her and she will look down and say, "CUTE!" And then yesterday, I strung these big plastic toy beads together and put it over Mazzy's head like a necklace and said, "Whaddaya think?" You know what she said? "CUTE!"
I mean, how can I talk about how tough parenting is when the baby is doing awesome stuff like THAT?
Mazzy and I have both been sick over the past few days so she spent the majority of the weekend lying her snot soaked face in my lap as we both hacked up our lungs together.
So while I would love to write about how miserable it is being sick while the baby is also sick, at this moment all I can think is that Mazzy is this walking talking living breathing ball of awesome that makes being sick somewhat bearable. Normally, I can't get Mazzy to sit still, but yesterday I stared into her little miserable face for hours and saw so much goodness there, it was almost painful.
I freaking love that kid. I don't know why I find that so hard to write here. I erased it and rewrote it like five times.
If I'm being truthful, I feel a little weird saying "I love you" to her out loud too. I hope it feels weird because I am saying something in earnest to someone who probably doesn't understand me. Not because I am going to be one of those parents who has a hard time expressing their love to their kids.
But just in case, I'm gonna write it down here for safe-keeping…
Dear Mazzy,
The joy you have brought to me and your dad, to Grammy and Grandsam, to Poppy and Nonna, to Grandma Toby, to Uncle Eric, to Auntie & Uncle M is just unthinkably large. I know that life will not always feel as rosy as it does at the moment, but right now I feel beyond lucky. I am so thankful to have you as my daughter that I find myself unable to infuse this note with humor. So I won't even try.
I love you. That's it.
What a beautiful note for Mazzy to read in the future.
You are lucky that she is so well behaved right now. My toddler is insane!!!
That is about the sweetest thing I’ve ever read. It nearly made me cry (granted I did just polish off a bottle of red with the husband – yes, it’s morning, but I live in Japan, it’s evening here so don’t judge!!). I hope I can have those moments with my baby boy soon!! Yay for you and yay for your beautiful baby girl.
The sweetest post ever!
Damn woman, you made me cry, on Valentine’s Day for heaven’s sake. 😉 Just beautiful, Ilana. That’s really all I can say.
This is really, really sweet! I love the pillow game! So cute and nice to her momma!!
I have a feeling this post is one big fat JINX on myself. We’ll see.
Thank you! Everyone said at one year everything changes and I didn’t believe them. But they were right. It’s an amazingly fulfilling thing to finally interact with your child in a real way.
Blegh! Just kidding. Super sweet. Rock on, Mazzy. Now quit playing and give ’em hell! Happy VD, Mommy. Keep ’em coming.
That is sooooo sweet!
There’s a line in the amazing movie “Parenthood” that I always remembered (even though I’m probably botching it):
“You don’t just love your kids, you fall in love with them.”
Yes, Mazzy is a total sweetie pie! You’re a lucky mom.
I am totally and completely smitten.
Thank you, Queen of Darkness (but not really)— glad you can appreciate.
Blech! Ugh! Yuck! Don’t worry. I’ll be sure to write a post insulting my husband tomorrow.
I thought we were going for laughter and I ended up in tears! My kids are 10, 11 and 13. They are often annoying and destructive. But throughout the day I will catch my self just looking at them and I can feel the overwhelming weight of love as it washes over me.
What a great post full of love, can’t wait to spend next week with that wonderful Mazzy, and you and Michael too!
It was a rare sentimental moment. The hardest to write for me.
what a sweet thing to write down and keep for her! it is amazing how you can have such an overwhelming LOVE for something/someone so small – no matter HOW blown up the diapers are, no matter how many boogers are jammed in that tiny perfect little nose (or how much they growl and kick and scream when you try to pick a boogie out of that tiny perfect little nose) the snot “bubbles” and drool (and by drool, i literally mean like “hi i forgot how to swallow” kinda drool) and oh, might i also add the “mystery poo” under your fingernail that you somehow forgot to wash off after that blown up diaper change…. it doesn’t matter. that’s your little creation you made and it could vomit all over your face and you still would say “awww that’s MY baby” i heard the same thing about life after they turn 1… and it’s sooo freakin awesome when they learn to kiss, and hi-five, hug and bring you a book to read a dozen times over. they make EVERYTHING soooo worth it!
Mazzy is ADORABLE and I loved your little note to her! Too cute!
I love this post! I also spent the weekend with a sick baby and as hard as it was because he wasn’t sleeping very well, there were quite a few moments I just relished. I spent half the nights sleeping on an air mattress, incredibly uncomfortable, on the nursery floor but the fact that he needed and wanted the comfort of me laying next to him in order to sleep just made me feel so. damn. good.
This motherhood stuff? It’s addictive.
I will let this post slide, seeing as I am also a mother and given to (very) rare moments of sentimentality. In fact, I may or may not have kissed my own daughter 105 times this morning and made (unsuccessfully) a heart-shaped egg for her before preschool.
Oh, and the obvious: Mazzy is the second cutest kid in the world. And second sweetest. Can’t wait to meet her, assuming you allow women visiting NYC for the sole purpose of drinking with online friends to meet her.
I feel the same way about you and your sister, Dr B. When it come to motherhood -the love never ends.
Love & kisses, hugs & misses, Mom
Happy Valentines Day Mazzy. Love Uncle M.
Now if she would only let me wipe that snot and drool off her face, I’d really have something to be proud of! Mazzy actually knows the word tissue and will put it in front of her face and shake her head wildly as if she is blowing her nose. But the tissue never touches. And the snot remains. SIGH.
Thank you for your thoughts— so well said:)
I have often heard of parents sleeping in their kids’ rooms to make them feel more comfortable. It sounds like a lovely thought but Mazzy will have none of it. If she knows we are in the room, she will scream and cry because she doesn’t understand why you won’t take her out of the crib to play. It’s why we can’t go away unless Mazzy has her own sleeping quarters. Otherwise, it’s an absolute nightmare.
But I got off-topic. Yes! She’s awesome! Being a mom is amazing!
Too late. It’s out there. I will now refer to you as my friend, Kate— the softie.
Also— heart-shaped eggs? For real? DO I have to remind you about how you almost ended our virtual friendship over felt and a sewing needle?
Of course! Mazzy loves drinking! And she’s really good at picking out bars.
Love to you too mom:)
Uncle M! Nice to see you around these parts:)
Yeeeaaahh….that’s the thing. He wasn’t IN the crib, he was on the mattress with me. If I could’ve gotten him in the crib I woulda been sleeping in my own bed. There’s no way in hell he would’ve let me sleep on the air mattress with him in his crib. LOL.
We just have a No-Babies-In-Our-Bed-Til-6am rule that forced the necessity of the air mattress this weekend. 🙁
Oh I SO loved that stage. Landon was SO good then too. Then came the terrible two’s. Now he has temper tantrums every time I put him in a shopping cart and when I tell him “no” to something he smashes his head off the nearest hard object. I hear girls are easier babies/toddlers and boys are harder babies/toddlers. So far I think this is true. But my daughter is only 5 months old so I guess time will tell the tale!
So sweet and beautiful.
I would post on my 3 kids every day if I could…but I have to control myself.
But,sometimes–you just have to make your love public..it’s so much of who you are.
This was wonderful. I love to see this love made available to your readers.
She is a lovely baby.
I always have fun reading your blogs. Even I don’t have any kids (yet). This post is the sweetest thing. 🙂
awww… at least she doesn’t try to EAT the tissue…
…yep, some of the things he does….make mama proud son! =)
Now that Mazzy has started to communicate, I find she often uses it for begging/whining. And sometimes it goes to full-on tantrum mode. But generally, she has an incredibly good temperament. I’m sure I am in for a rude awakening with the next one.
Thank you! I find positive posts harder to write for some reason. But I can’t consistently talk about the hard stuff and have it feel 100% truthful. These past few months, Mazzy has (mostly) been an absolute delight.
Way to find the silver lining. I love it. 🙂
For the sake of Mommy Shorts, I hope Mazzy snaps out of it. Or not. Enjoy the small, delicious moments of mommyhood. They’re the best.
Oh my, give her some time! The moment you start bragging is the moment that a) she remembers that life is more interesting with mommy going bald from from stress, or b) a baby brother or sister is on the way and somehow this beautiful toddler can communicate from conception and knows that the new baby will be all the trouble you will ever need! (Did I mention I have 4 kids, from 4 to 18, all lovely and beautiful especially in the complete chaotic madness of certain times when they all 4 need me to magically read their minds at once, or decide mommy isn’t paranoid enough, so not one ill word is spoken in our home for weeks!!! Personally, I become more terribly afraid with the latter!
Awwww sooo sweet!!!