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Crumbs Colossal Cupcake Giveaway: 5 Winners ($42 each)

I'm not sure at what point NYC started the cupcake craze. (It's also possible that it did not start the cupcake craze, but as is true of all Manhattanites, I believe New York to be the origin and center of everything.)

I think it started with Magnolia Bakery. There used to be a line around the corner for that place. And then it was on Sex and the City, which meant the line stayed in tact but all the people standing on it turned into tourists. Nextโ€” traitors, defectors and copycats began debuting perfectly dainty Magnolia-inspired cupcakes all over town.

My favorite? Vanilla with vanilla frosting.

Then a few years ago, a new cupcake concept entered the sceneโ€”call them "The Anti-Magnolia". Crumbs Bakeshop is the opposite of dainty. If you walk into Crumbs and order a vanilla on vanilla cupcake, they will look at you like you have five heads and one of those heads is Elisabeth Hasselbeck. (Translation: weirdly and like you are boringly boringly white.)

There are over 50 flavors at Crumbs Bakeshop and while they do sell varieties like Vanilla and Chocolate Sprinkle, they are more known for their hit-you-over-the-head indulgent varieties like Peanutbutter Cup, Cookie Dough, Milkshake and Blackbottom Cheesecake Brownie. Their signature cupcake is not just HUGE. They are "cut-them-in-quarters-and-split-them-amongst-four-people" HUGE.

But I'm not even here to talk about their signature cupcakes. I'm here to talk about their COLLOSAL cupcakes.

The Crumbs Collosal Cupcake towers at about six and a half inches high and can feed a small country. Or at least 6-8 people. Less if you are splitting amongst pregnant women. More if you are Rachel Zoe and splitting amongst clients.

You know what? I'm not doing them justice. They look like this…


But you're still looking at those and thinking regular cupcake size, right? Wrong. OPEN YOUR MIND.

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Hungry, yet? GOOD. Because I've got a special Mother's Day treat for you. Mother's Day is on Sunday, in case you were not aware. I hope someone is doing something special for you. Or maybe your Mother's Day is like my Mother's Day which means it still revolves very much around (who else?) YOUR MOTHER.

Just in case nobody is making you breakfast in bed or buying you jewelry or letting you run screaming from the house sans children, know that I am thinking about you.

I am giving away not one but FIVE COLLOSSAL CUPCAKES. Valued at $42 a piece. You pick the variety and have it delivered (anywhere in the US) for whatever occasion you like. Except Mother's Day. Sorry. I posted too late and missed the boat on that one. However, if you happen to live near a Crumbs, you should check out their Mother's Day Collection.

To enter THE CRUMBS COLLOSAL CUPCAKE GIVEAWAY, just leave a comment below. To make it interesting, describe your ideal Mother's Day (i.e. family picnic, spa day or hiding in the closet with a Half Baked). FIVE WINNERS will be announced on Thursday, May 12th.

This giveaway was made possible by my new sponsorโ€” POSHBROOD. Poshbrood is a family travel website featuring hotels and resorts that are a rare combination of hip, luxurious and *GASP* kid-friendly. They offer a free online catalogue of posh-approved properties plus they can book your travel. Their "pb" banner will now have a permanent spot on my right sidebar for your "posh travel plan convenience" plus you can check them out here.


1) You must be a Mommy Shorts Facebook Fan to enter. If you are not already a fan, you can easily become one by clicking here or the facebook widget on my right sidebar.

2) For a second entry, sign up for the Poshbrood weekly newsletter featuring new posh properties, travel deals and family promotions. (If you sign-up, please leave two commentsโ€” easiest way to keep track!)