Today is another exciting day in Mommy Shorts history as I am giving away my biggest prize to date. One lucky reader will win an iPad 2 (which starts at $499 for those of you who are not already actively coveting one).
The giveaway is being sponsored by Vonage "Time To Call" in return for promoting their new cheap and easy international calling app.
Since I am currently family-less in Argentina (and perhaps stranded for longer than I planned due to the hurricane), the timing of the promotion seems oddly fitting.
The Vonage "Time To Call" app is a free download for your iPhone, iPad or iTouch that lets you make 15 minute calls to 190+ countries with a flat rate that gets billed directly to your iTunes account. (100 countries are 15 minutes for $1.99 or less and 90 additional countries are 15 minutes for $2.99 – $9.99β excluding applicable taxes.) The app works on Wi-Fi worldwide and on 3G in the US and Canada. Plus you don't have to be a Vonage home customer to use it. You can download the app for free here.
It's incredibly easy-to-use interface looks like this:
Argentina, if you are curious, clocks in at just $1.99 for a 15 minute call.
And let me just say, as much as I love talking to my 20 month-old daughter while I am out of the country, I have learned that a 15 minute phone call from her is more than enough time. (I'm speaking of the video-less variety.)
Have you ever talked on the phone to a one-year-old in front of a group of co-workers? How 'bout on a crowded plane before take-off? No way in hell I would want to be the childless stranger privy to that nauseating five minutes of baby talk screamed at top volume.
(I think I'm screaming because I know Mazzy doesn't necessarily have the phone diligently held up to her ear, but I cannot be sure.)
Besides yelling at the top of my lungs, I am also aware that I use only two or three toddler-friendly phrases because they elicit an understandable response and then repeat them over and over again.
So my side of the conversation might sound something like this:
Lucky for everyone, Mazzy knows when to call it quits before I do. Ten minutes in, five "I love yous" and one "Hokey Pokey" singalong complete, my daughter will take it upon herself to sayβ "Bye! See you!"
"BYE! SEE YOU!" I shout loud enough to reverberate off the walls, kill various forms of wild life and break every plate within a five mile radius.
I guess the rationale isβ she might not be able to see me but GODDAMNIT, she is gonna HEAR ME!
Along with every other person from here to Chile.
You must be a Mommy Shorts facebook fan to enter. If you are not already a fan, you can easily become one by clicking "like" on the facebook widget on my right sidebar or by clicking here. I would also appreciate if you "liked" the giveaway by clicking the facebook "like" button below this post, but it is not required.
There are THREE POSSIBLE ENTRIES. For each entry, please leave an additional comment below the post. It's the only way to keep track.
1) Leave a comment below answering the following question: If your child could call anyone in the world, who would it be? Extra credit if you tell me what they would say. For instance Mazzy might call me in Argentina to say "Come home, Mommy!" or more likely she would call Elmo to say, "More celebrity duets, less Mr. Noodle please!"
2) Upload a photo of your baby/toddler talking on the phone to the wall of the Mommy Shorts facebook fanpage. Again, tell me who they are calling and/or what they are saying.
3) Tweet the giveaway link using both @mommyshorts and #timetocall within the tweet.
Winner will be announced on Tuesday, August 30th.
Good luck!!!
UPDATE: This contest is over. Click here for the winner.
If you want to increase your chances of winning, Vonage is giving away 75 more iPads through other blogs. You can find links to all the participating blogs by clicking HERE. You cannot win more than one iPad in the competition. Also, depending on where the winners live they may receive the Apple iPad 2 32 GB WiFi, or the equivalent Apple Gift Card to use at an Apple retailer.
If my child were to call anyone in the world, it would have to be my husband. My son just loves telling him he’s his “mini me” – as in my husband, he wants little to do with me.
I’m dying for an iPad – choose me!
T would call his grandma (my mom) when (if) she moves to South America to teach English. He would probably talk about superheros & their life stories and then he would ask HUH? every time she says something. Because that’s what he does now. Perfectly clear call, and he still can’t understand what they are saying. (I like Mommy Shorts on FB already).
My son would probably want to call a girl from his school and talk to her for HOURS about his new goldfish named Compass. π
I just tweeter about the giveaway (@roxisbrilliant).
My kids would call Yaya (my mom) because they live in California. He would probably tell her about seeing the guys throw the fish today.
This is a cool contest. Thanks for hosting!
I’d call the nearest sushi place for dinner delivery. I’d say: “One shaggy dog roll and six pieces of yellow tail sashimi, please!”
Tweeted about the giveaway! (@wombatcentral) π
I tweeted about it too.
Uploaded my cutie on the phone to Facebook…
And tweeted. Thanks!
How fab are you?
My kids would call Daddy. Or their besties. Or their grandma. Anyone really. They LOVE the phone. Ahem.
Just tweeted and will post a FB picture tomorrow. That’s my favorite part of your giveaway- so, so you!
If my child could call anyone it would probably be my family in Germany. And Im sure he would talk about Mater and Lightning McQueen…because thats all he talks about. All the time. Yes, its annoying.
I tweeted the giveaway!/Spitupchronicle/status/106960110592598016
I would talk to my internet friend Jodi, from the blog Curious Acorn, because trust me, she’s cool. As much as I’d like to visit Pennsylvania and seeing her beehives (yeah, you heard me) in person, it seems more likely that I’ll win an ipad2 on this blog call her with that great app you are blabbing about. What would I say?
Then we would have tea together. The end.
tweet accomplished. TA DA!
My child would most likely call Dora. They would most likely be talking about something I can not understand in Spanish. That darn Dora is conspiring against me!
I tweeted about the giveaway!/arcadiob/status/106994699742621696
My child would call his Daddy saying: Daddy, daddy.
My kids love calling their Grandma in England, they have a weekly phone date where they tell her all about their week. Kiki likes to tell Grandma about the latest episode of Pokemon she just watched, Kyle just likes to shout at her!
Here’s my tweet!
I am looking for a pic for Facebook – as much as this kid loves pretending to talk on the phone, I’m sure we have one!
My guess is that he’d call me. I say this because with his limited vocabulary his “phone conversations” consist of “Mama? MA? Mama! MA?…Ba? BaBA!?…MA.”
Either that or he’s telling me I talk on the phone too much.
I tweeted about this. Twice. I’m hard core.
I tweeted.
My 2 year old would call Grammy and ask if she made a pie.
OK tweeted
Like you everywhere as it is, because in real life I actually liked you too – so it only seems fair
Silas would probably call Tiny, Shiny, and Don from Dinosaur Train and say HA HA. Yep, he literally says ha ha when he laughs. It’s less cute than the reckless abandon crazy laughter that he used to allow himself. I get the feeling that he is faking his laughter for my benefit. Sorry, this got a little sad…an ipad2 would probably cheer me up!
the toddler picture part may be hard, what with a 9 yr old and a 13 yr old …
but my 9 year old would called her Nana in England every day given the chance.
Since the Toddler can barely talk, I tweeted! @calishorty4
Oops! My name is Ruth no rub! Lol
My kids would call the President, to explain just exactly how to fix everything. Because yes, they do know.
Bugs would call her Nene and Poppy and blow raspberries at them for a solid 30 min. Seriously she did this on the way home from work one day so she’s totally capable…
My daughter would call Carly Shay from the iCarly show. She would probably try to talk for hours about the show…as if it was for real.
The IPad2 from Mommy Shorts and Vonage would be awesome to win!!! It would allow me to increase my productivity at work and at home. My wife and daughter would also love it…especially the games that could be played. Thank you for the opportunity π
I posted on the Facebook wall (as sastover17 – Mike Snell):
Easy- Brody aka James Dean, would be calling Mimi, my 91 year old grandmother. Brody is 2.5 years and has probably met her three times- the last time was at Easter. For some reason, whenever he gets a phone (or object he can use as a phone) he says ‘O-OH? Mimi? Mimi? MIMI?!’ we have no idea why he does this. Also, he has a strange affection for a pink curler she left at my house last summer. He plays with it and also calls it ‘Mimi’ but it sounds more like Meee Meeee.
I posted on Twitter:!/sastover1717/status/107071340636418049
Well, if we’re talking “real life” my 6 y/o daughter would call grandma and ask if she could have a sleepover. (mind you, grandma picks Jess up every day and lives a whole mile away!)
If we’re talking fantasies, my daughter would call James Maslow of the band Big Time Rush (It’s a band and a show on Nickelodeon) She’d either ask him to marry her or be her brother, depending on her mood!
My child would likely call his grandparents. Even though they live only 45 minutes away and he sees them regularly that is who he wants to call every time he has a chance π
Tweeting about this as well! (I can’t figure out how people are getting a link from twitter, but I promise I did!)
I tweeted about the giveaway!!/supermomboots/statuses/107075460646703104
My 2-year-old would call any male in the family. He would probably tell them that my car broke down and the tow truck came for it, took it to the garage and fixed it. So it would go like this: mama car boo boo tow truck garage fix mama car.
This happened about a month ago and he hasn’t stopped talking about it since.
My son would call me at work on my cell phone and leave a voicemail. This is all quite usual especially because we have no cell service in the building.
The voicemail will consist of him breathing in the phone and my mother in the background saying “Did you get my phone again? Who are you calling? Oh shit, you really dialed someone…” Then a click.
I get this type of message at least a few times a week. π
This week my kids would call their cousins in VA to ask about the hurricane and earthquake. We live in FL and are usualy the ones preparing for a hurricane. Any other week, they would call their grandparents to ‘tell’ them about what was going on but all their grandparents would hear would be 3 kids all talking (aka yelling) at the same time.
I tweeted.
Posted on your fb wall (farrah r) thx!
My child would call to her uncle in USA … he going to USA for work… (sorry for my bad english) and my child will say “uncle, i iss you, when you back to merida?…” and… this jajaja π
the picture in FB
I think my oldest would call Yoda and tell him all about how his Jedi character Googly Anchor (don’t ask me) was a superior Jedi and could do more impressive Jedi mind tricks. Henry would call his Grandma and just breathe heavily in the phone.
Also, I tweeted that link, yo! Huzzah for fun giveaways!
My tweet:!/omar_paulo/status/107084227954225152
Anna would probably call my sister, her aunt “Ti Ti” – based on the pretend phone calls she makes (using anything that slightly resembles a phone – last night it was a baby carrot) she is her number one target…Mostly it would be “Hi!” and “Love you!” and “Running” since my sister took her running in the jogging stroller twice and Anna is now obsessed!
My daughter would totally call my mother – her Nonna – because she hears exactly what she wants from Grandma. There are none of the parent standard responses like: Not Now, Time for Bed, We’ll See, Maybe, You’re Too Young For That, Its Too Expensive, etc.
Those two can stay on the phone forever and discuss life’s most important and pressing issues, like: buying the latest gadget or toy, what happened on last nights reality show du jour, how “Mommy” didn’t handle something properly … you get the idea!
Funny how none of those conversations happened when I was that age – my how Grandparenthood changes them!
The Vonage app – on my NEW Ipad2 from MommyShorts – would allow these two to go on and on and on ….
I am pretty sure @Iambooboolala would call Rocky and CeCe from Shake it Up on the Disney Channel and ask them to teach her some of their cool moves.
Retweeted tweet with comment π!/DanielleLeitch/status/107085497641349120
I am a fan
MY child would call his american uncle Thomas. He love him because he has always a lot of present for him and they love playing football together! π He would say: “COME HERE, TOTO!”
I swear, my children would call SpongeBob if they could to tell him NO MORE RE-RUNS!
I tweeted!!/sarahviz/status/107087256703078400
The other person @LittleBocaGirl would call is her cat! She has literally made me put the phone up to the cat, like you would do to a baby, and then continues to have a full-fledged conversation.
Depending on how much wine I have had that day, sometimes the cat talks back!
If my son could call anyone, I think he would call himself. I would give him these parameters: you can call someone who you think is handsome, cute and funny. He would have himself on speedial. Give him a mirror, he will practically Skype with himself.
Also just loaded a pic to the Facebook page!
Jake would call his friend Michael and ask if he wants to come over.
Cole would call his buddy Milo and ask if he can go ver to his house.
Claire picks up any object resembling a phone, holds it to her ear (sort of) and says, “Hello. Dadda??”
So wanting an iPad2!
Thanks for the opportunity!
Tweet Complete.
My son studying in Australia would call me and say, “Daddy, could you please send me more money & by the way I also need a new phone & a car?”
Thanks for the giveaway! I’m a FB fan. And my 11-year-old would call Weird Al and invite him over for dinner.
My daughter would probably call Santa Clause. And tell him that he forgot to make her into a mermaid last Christmas. Try explaining THAT one! π
My daughter would call Grandma and say, “Come over. And what will you bring me?” Yes, I am proud.
I tweeted.
Followed & tweeted!/88k8y/status/107091133406003200
I tweeted,!/JohnContest/status/107091444661104640
If my child could call anyone, he would call Elmo and ask that he do more song and dance routines! He LOVES them! (he’s 15 months)
If my daughter were to call anyone in the world, it would her Nonno (grandfather) and ask if he could come play with her.
Hey chica, your site clock is off a few hours…
Do I get extra points for sharing it on my Facebook page? Did that too…would do it anyway if it weren’t for an extra point!
My girls are ALWAYS asking to call “Pink Grandma” – my mother! She is three hours away, and they just LOVE talking to her on the phone!
My daughter would call Lady Gaga – so she can finally iron out what the REAL lyrics to her songs are. She currently sings them as if they are in a foreign tounge, I have yet to convince her otherwise.
and uploading my video! π
Posted to your Facebook page because photos are kinda my thing.
My child would call spiderman and tell ask him over for a playdate.
My kids (ages 5 and 7) would call Santa Claus.
Here’s how it would go down:
Cheech (5): Hey Santa we love you!
The boy (7): Hey Santa, you’re famous around here and so I’m glad you would talk to us. Listen, here’s the deal, mom said that you’re on a budget but I say you’ve got magic. Which is it?
Cheech: We have an elf of yours at Christmas named Buddy. Buddy does naughty things, please don’t put him in time out.
The boy: Santa? What are “raw materials” that the elves make stuff out of? I also think you don’t buy those, you make those too right? I mean, mom’s nuts when she says you won’t bring me a trampoline and a new puppy. Right?
Cheech: Santa, we love you! And I want a puppy too.
Well, you get the gist of life around here and we’re not getting a puppy so I’m glad the new vonage app doesn’t call santa. Or I’ll block his number.
My son, Aiden would call either Lightening McQueen (Car) or Thomas the Tank (Choo Choo) and would repeat those words over and over again b/c that is currently what he done when he picks up anything and everything and hold it up to his ear and sometimes you get a Hello? Hello? The other day he was actually holding his hand up to his ear and saying Hello, Hello over and over again while I talked ont he phone.
I tweeted. Or twittered. Whatever.
Addisyn would call MawMaw on Facetime from my iPhone. Pretty sure my mom bought an iPhone solely for that purpose. Talking without seeing her is just not near as fun. Especially since my daughter can’t actually talk yet but believe you me she “talks”
Addisyn would ask her all about the farm, how are the ducks? how are the cows? And then she would want to know how much longer 2 months will be when they come here for her birthday. Of course this would all be done in goo goo ga ga language but we know that’s what she’s saying. π
My extremely advanced 3 month old daughter would call her Daddy at work and make her patented bug eyes face while he talked to her. Then as soon as he hung up, she would start cooing at me with her full repertoire of “ooooooo”, “gooo”, “aaahhhh”, and “eeee”.
My son would call me at work and repeatedly ask… “Momma… you workin’?” Ok, he does that almost daily anyways. Cutest thing ever!
I tweeted as well!
I tweeted reluctantly. π!/CrazyRiki/status/107094317880967169
Easily his Nana in Michigan. We lived with my parents from the time he was 12 weeks old until June of his year, so right about 2 years. She was there when he was born too and given that I was in ICU for two days, she was the one who rocked and fed him in the nursery. They have a very special bond.
My kids LOVE their Pop(my Dad)! They would call him every hour if they could. My 2 year old son, Zeb, is regularly carrying around a toy phone talking to Pop. My oldest, Mya,6, would definitely say, “Hey Pop, guess what?…I love you the most!” My 4 year old daughter Josey would say, “Bing bong bing!” I don’t know why, but she always says that to him. The kids don’t get to see their Pop as often as we would like, but they know he is only a phone call away.
Who DOESN’T my son call??? LOL. In the world – he’d probably tell me that he wants to call his best friend who moved to Texas and ask him to come back. He moved away when they were both 5, and they miss each other like crazy.
I totally need the iPad2. The original revolutionized my life, so I’m hoping the 2 will be even more life altering! Thanks.
R would call her Uncle J & Aunt K in the UK and say – i miss you
My son would call Luke Skywalker or anyone from Star Wars (or anyone who is interested in Star Wars…) and talk about clones, droids, lightsabers, wookies, etc.
My 2month old would prolly want to call either Grandma. One lives in TX, the other in Idaho and we are in DC. He wouldn’t want to ask much, probably just when his next bottle is or to coo. Either way, both grandmas would be yelling into the phone too. π
My kids would call Grandma and Grandpa and ask if they could come and visit them.