If you missed it, yesterday was my first blogoversary. This means that I have been oversharing about my kid for one whole year now. Anybody sick of her yet? (Don't answer that.)
In honor of my big milestone, Mommy Shorts had a little work done. Nothing major. It's like one of those facelifts where you can't really tell there was any surgery involved— it just looks like a good night's rest.
Mainly, I changed all the buttons on my left sidebar to reflect the features that have become the most popular— like the caption contests, the fancy parenting charts and the celebrity parenting snark. Mike even got his very own button called "Who's the Daddy?" just because there wasn't already enough fodder for him to get made fun of at work.
Take a look around and let me know if anything accidentally sends you into a pop-up porn spiral.
The other big news is that I am currently in Argentina for two weeks on business. I wrote a semi-sentimental post about it, but in the two days I've been here, I realized I barely scratched the surface. This is HARD. Like no joking around, constant pit in my throat, I couldn't sleep last night even with a sleeping pill HARD.
I've been debating what I write about while I'm here. My thinking is that I use this time to catch up on topics I've been meaning to post— like trying and failing to keep Mazzy happily occupied in 100 degree heat.
So don't worry— I won't be doing two weeks of travel blogging.
I've got the next hour free so I'm sitting in my hotel room waiting for Grammy to call so I can skype with Mazzy, who should wake up from her nap soon. Whether Grammy has figured out how to work skype on her computer remains to be seen.
While I wait, I'll write a recap.
What else happened besides the Mommy Shorts nip and tuck?
• I had a heart to heart with Rachel Zoe's baby
• Mazzy had a one-hit-wonder called "The Alphabet on Crack"
• My mom nearly sliced my ladybits on my wedding day
• I made peace with Elmo at BlogHer
• Mike horrified us all with his unacceptable drawing skills
• Lila cut a bitch in Baby Prison
• Mazzy cooked a new delicacy called "me-sum"
• Someone funnier than me interviewed a one-year-old
• We learned that "Body Slam" is the BEST GAME EVER
• Mazzy sold her first three masterpieces for several million dollars (C, E & H were all hers by the way)
• Dr. B stopped our kids from throwing sippy cups at our heads
and last but not least,
• I celebrated one year of Mommy Shorts with a star-studded event (everyone from Gary Busey to Angelina Jolie showed up) catered by the amazing Crumbs Bakeshop
There is officially one more week of the Baby Celebrity Lookalikes Contest and besides potentially winning one of two $100 Amazon gift cards for entering your kid, you can now get involved by publicly announcing your top lookalike pick for a shot at winning one of three Colossal Crumbs Cupcakes.
I can't think of a better way to celebrate the many long and happy hours I have spent pouring myself into this here blog.
Besides reuniting with my daughter, of course. (Insert super sad face here.)
I love you all and thanks for being such a huge part of this site. Truly. Half my content comes from you guys.
xo, Mommy Shorts
You’re one day closer to your reunion with Mike and Mazzy. HANG ON!!
Nice buttons. 🙂
Happy Bloggaversary. I love you man! No porn spirals but your baby daddy is rather hot, ok really hot. I will just stop right there.
That is a very, very long time to be away. No one can fault you for being occasionally not funny about it. Hell, I’d have died just being told I’d have to get on a plane for 14 hours. You’re my hero.
I know. I should start making chalk strikes on the wall to count down the days.
Why does that sound dirty?
Thank you. Mommy Shorts has a much better chance of surviving if I can tell my husband that he’s got fans too.
Going on a plane child-free is a dream. You don’t have to do anything except eat, drink, read, sleep and watch movies. I’ve actually always loved flying solo.
This, exactly why I love coming here: such a feeling of inclusivity.
You make everyone feel welcome, and that they are a part of this blog.
I love that.
Not too much longer 🙂
No one could be sick of Mazzy; she has great hair 🙂
I like this softer side of Mommy Shorts. I can only imagine how hard it is to be away from Mazzy for two whole weeks. I was coming apart at the seams after only five days away from Lil’ Bit. Hang in there. You’ve got shoulders to cry on.
Thank you. You all ARE a part of this blog! It is undebatable.
You know that haircut I gave her so it wouldn’t look bowl-like? Turns out when it grows it looks like I should pour cereal in it.
It’s getting a little better as I go. Because the longer I am away from her, the closer I am to coming home.
Somehow I missed your blogoversary when it happened so I’ll just say now Happy Blogoversary.