I'm pretty sure a trend is officially over when your 21 month-old starts doing it spontaneously in the park. Say hello to "Baby Planking". Some might say my daughter is incredibly hip. I think if you pick up on a phenomenon AFTER the employees of Dunder Mifflin, you're probably a few football fields behind the curve.
Anybody else have pictures of their kid in a plank-like position? I'm thinking we need a "Planking Has Officially Jumped The Shark Baby Planking Album". Seriously. If you've got one, post it on the wall of the Mommy Shorts Facebook Fanpage.
Suri's Burn Book
Have you all seen this yet? Suri Cruise has a blog in which she trashes other celebrity offspring. Check it out. It's brilliant.
I have emailed "Suri" to ask if she will grant me an interview. She has yet to respond. Maybe she's upset about my letter to her mother. Maybe she's threatened by my adorable daughter. Or maybe she's too busy treating her early onset bunions (which would explain the *gasp* ballet flats).
Whatever the reason, I'm officially insulted.
She's GOOD.
Help Fight Breast Cancer By Not Buying Jeans
My good friend Sara from Periwinkle Papillon is working with Lee Jeans to raise money to support breast cancer research. Sara lost her mother to breast cancer 11 years ago so the cause is very close to her heart. She's one of 8 bloggers competing to raise money for National Denim Day by asking people to donate the amount of money they would pay for a pair of jeans. You can help by entering Sara's Lee Jeans giveaway and more importantly, donating to her team.
Corey Feldman, Drew Barrymore, Will Ferrell, Yoda, Jaden Smith, Seth Rogan, Janet Leigh, Guy Fieri, Wallace Shawn and Diana Ross were all added this week. Check them out and rate each lookalike on a scale of 1 to 5.
And finally, this week I learned you can spend hours and hours writing a post about how you are turning into your mother, but if you really want some traffic— post a picture of a clown with a slide penis.
Blogging is a BITCH.
Have a good weekend!
— Mommy Shorts
ps: I also learned that people really really don't want to talk about "placenta stew". It won't happen again.
Mazzy is a trendsetter, totally, but I gotta say Suri’s blog is mind blowing! I just spent 10 minutes on there!
Clowns and penis in one post – whaddya expect?
I can’t believe I wasted 30 minutes on Suri’s Burn Book. Thank you mommy shorts…I still have work to do!
Thank you MommyShorts for helping me pimp this out – Hopefully more people will swing by, catch a fact or two about breast cancer, help a great cause and win some jeans!
You da best!!!
… and Mazzy? she’s so stinkin’ cute.
I’d never even heard of planking until I watched The Office, so that tells you just how hopelessly unhip I am. Still, right after that episode, Vivian planked in the driveway one afternoon and I was, “ZOMG, my kid is so cool!” Unfortunately, I didn’t catch a picture of it.
Suri’s burn book is awesome. But not as awesome as fighting cancer. Go Sara!
Oh, thanks for the gut busting laugh today.
baby planking.
Your daughter..the best.
Off to check out Suri.
Mazzy rocks the planking. I sense a new Web site coming. Because I’m pretty sure you don’t really need those three full hours of sleep you get a night.
Sorry! It is THE DEFINITION of “guilty pleasure”.
No problem. I am happy to help. I hope you get a good response!
If a baby planks in a forest and all that…
The website has apparently already been created. Just googled and found it. BabyPlanking.com. Not like I was going to create one or anything…
If my baby plank picture got you, then I can’t even imagine your reaction to Suri. Be careful.
I think baby planking is brilliant and as far as i’m concerned, you thought of it first.
Oh my goodness, Kate just did this in Target last weekend! I can’t believe I didn’t take a picture!! I just love your “Baby Planking”. I am sure it will happen again soon and I WILL be taking a picture LOL
I’ve discovered the “joy” of planking in my spinning/total body class. I won’t be heartbroken if the trend’s over, thanks to Mazzy.
OH MAN! Suri has a blog! Must investigate!
Anything advertisement, book, or blog post that has the word penis in it automatically gets lots of views. I don’t know why. I don’t think they’re all that fantastic to look at! HA!
Suri has a burn book…lol