What with all the Elmo and the Barney and the Curious George and that boring excuse for a train named Thomas, there has been one glaring omission in Mazzy's life. His name is SNOOPY. Or as my sister used to call him when she was littleโ Noop-neep.
Part of the reason I looked forward to the holidays as a kid was because it meant there would be a Charlie Brown special on television. If I saw a commercial for "A Charlie Brown Christmas" or "It's A Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown", I burned the date of that special into my elementary school brain like it was my birthday. Or the day my Sea Monkeys were scheduled to arrive.
No way in hell was I missing out on my annual chance to see Charlie Brown decorate his sad little tree or Linus faint in a pumpkin patch. These television events were just as much a part of the holidays as showing off the clock pen I got for Hanukah or egging the house that gave out Necco Wafers on Halloween.
Today, however, kids have all their favorite YouTube clips, streaming videos and on-demand shows available to watch whenever they want. Gone is the good old-fashioned once-a-year special.
Which is sad, because when it came to Charlie Brown, those specials really did feel "special".
So. When The Peanuts sent me a Halloween themed package complete with my very own copy of "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" for the special's 45th Anniversary, I knew I had a new mission.
First step? Introducing her to Snoopy.
Or more accurately, a very cool sock monkey version of Snoopy.
"What's that?" Mazzy asked.
"It's Snoopy."
Then I emptied the rest of the box. Books, a DVD, crayons, t-shirts and assorted candy.
By the end of the night, Mazzy was coloring Peppermint Patty a lovely shade of green, pressing the "Good Grief" button on the "play-a-sound" board book until I thought about hiding it on top of the refridgerator and making out with Snoopy on the floor (right in front of Elmo mind you).
All was going swimmingly until Mazzy made one simple request.
"Daddyโ draw Snoopy?"
Uh-oh. If you remember Mike's version of Elmo, you know that my husband's drawings often leap straight from the page into the nightmares of neighborhood children. Snoopy was no exception.
Although, we are talking about Halloween where terrifying children is half the point.
Say hello to my new front door decoration.
I predict the neighborhood kids stay far, far away this year.
GIVEAWAY: Get your own Peanuts Halloween Themed Gift Box (contents include Sock Monkey Snoopy, It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown DVD, Look and Find: It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown
book, It's the Great Pumpkin Play-A-Sound Board Book, Peanuts Pumpkin Patch coloring book and crayons, two Peanuts themed t-shirts and assorted candy) by following the rules below.
1) You must be a Mommy Shorts Facebook Fan to enter. If you are not already a fan, you can easily become one by clicking "Like" on the facebook widget on my right sidebar or by clicking here.
2) Answer the following question in the comment section below: Which Peanuts character does your kid(s) most resemble? For instance, Mazzy is a Lucy/Linus combo. Super bossy with a blankie obsession.
Winner will be announced on Thursday, October 20th.
Alsoโ check out the Peanuts in their new Got Milk ad:
Hmmm..My 2.5yo is prpbably most like Pig Pen.
1yo L is more like Schroder. Capable, quiet, handsome!
1 yo C is more like Snoopy. Yes, I know, but he looks at you with such cynicism that I just can’t put anyone else.
((As I type this that infernal train theme song plays in the background)
My son is a Linus. My daughter is a Lucy. They’ve both got a little Sally: “I just want what’s coming to me! I just want my fair share!” And that goes double now that those darn toy catalogues are in the mail every day.
My baby is straight up pig pen… which would probably be cute if it didn’t skeeve me out so damn bad.
BTW this is a freakin’ awesome give away! Def needs to be a tradition in our house too! These kids today get everything on demand. What a shame!!
If we don’t win where can we purchase this awesomeness?
OMG – I totally want this so much!!! I love the Snoopy!!!! I am a fan and Boo Boo? She is a combo of Lucy, Pig Pen and Peppermint Patty. ๐
Parker is definitely Schroeder, the piano player. he loves loves loves music and all instruments. you can see his skills here…. http://youtu.be/8En0HGW37j0
this is an awesome give away, i never win anything…so pick me!!!!
Milo is definitley Pig Pen… crazy hair & always dirty… leaves a trail of destruction wherever he goes. Awesome giveaway!
I love the Charlie Brown Specials! Do you remember the one about the little girl who is sick in the hospital? I think it’s called Snoopy Come Home. So sad!
My Jessica is Lucy — Serious bossypants. But she’s a sweetie and just wants to be loved so there’s a little Charlie Brown there too. And really, don’t we all feel like Charlie Brown sometimes?
My daughter, though she hasn’t quite made it into the world yet (please be on time and come tomorrow!!) is totally Snoopy. She alternates between napping and being crazy hyper in there. You know when Snoopy does the happy dance and his feet have all the motion lines and are blurry… yeah, she’s totally doing that on my rib cage right now…
I checked and I’m a FB Fan of yours! YAY!
Ok the rundown on which characters my kids remind me of *drum roll please*
Sean is 9 and he most reminds me of Charlie Brown and Snoopy with a dash of Lucy. Not very sportsy but totally knows how to go with the flow but with a bossy side (mostly geared towards his sisters)
Bridgette at age 7 is more like Sally and Lucy. She can be way bossy and never hesitates to tell boys (any boy) how handsome she thinks they are.
Meghan just turned 5 today and she’s like Sally and Linus because her blankie has seen better days and while it may not make a trip out the door every time she does, she always knows where it is and it must be present at bed time or family movie night. Thanks to Big Sis Bridge she’s picked up the boy crush thing and will tell them all how handsome they are.
I’ve definitely got a little Charlie Brown and a Sally – a perfect combo! I’d loooove to win this! ๐
At this point, I would say my 12 mo old is a Schroder and a Linus…loves to make noise by banging as if she were playing a piano, and has a blanket permanently attached to the hand.
ps- I only just recently found your blog but I love it. Mazzy is so cute.
Linus – Grace (age 7 now) has been dragging around her blanket (referred to as “woobie”)since she was a baby. It looks like a shredded rag, and that is being generous. I am pretty sure it harbors pathogens that would cause the CDC to get out their Hazmat suits and evacuate the area.
At only 9.5 months, Zoe is *totally* a Lucy. Very very bossy towards her older cousins and friends, and thinks she is in charge of everyone at every time.
my dragon is mostly Linus, blankie-obsessed and philosophical, but my MommyObsessiveness also wants there to be some genius Schroder in there. It’s okay if he’s all Linus though. Linus is AWESOME. Unfortunately, these giveaways are like the Great Pumpkin for me. Sigh. But maybe this time my pumpkin patch is humble enough.
My Anne Marie would definitely be a Lucy. I wouldn’t recommend letting her hold the football if you plan on kicking it. And maybe a little Pig Pen when it comes to her room.
My Jackson would have to be a mix of Sally and Peppermint Patty. Making sure things are equal and good at sports. He is supersmart like Marcie too.
My 3 year old daughter is a definite Lucy. My 5yo would be Pig Pen and, just going by the other comments because I can’t remember them all for the life of me, my 7 year old sounds like a Marcie.
I tried introducing my kids to the Charlie Brown specials last year and they didn’t want anything to do with it. The crisp animation of Pixar has ruined the classics for them.
My son is Snoopy – independent and fun
My oldest daughter is Schroeder – talented, unassuming
My younger daughter is a mix of Snoopy and Charlie Brown – she is fun, happy but has her times when the world feels like it is all against her.
I too couldn’t wait for the Peanuts specials!
I did not grow up with Snoopy so don’t know the characters that well. Just by looks my son is Charlie Brown – chubby face, mischievous smile – with lots of hair!
My youngest definately reminds me of pigpen…not that I don’t try to keep him clean. Also of Linus with his blankie.
My daughter reminds me of Lucy when she has her bossy moments.
my oldest reminds me of Charlie Brown because he has a dog that looks like snoop that he HAS to sleep with every night.
Am a fan on FB
Which Peanuts character does your kid(s) remind you of? Linus. I never thought about her not growing up knowing Charlie Brown! sigh.
My little guy is definitely a PigPen. Last night he dumped yogurt onto his hands, rubbed them together and began applying it to his face and hair like it was lotion. Mr. Mess, for sure.
My Kaiti is a definite Lucy/Linus combo. She is super independent, but MUST have her blankie at all times!!!
I am a fan! And my oldest is a Linusโquiet and philosophical. My youngest is a Snoopyโimaginative and always hungry!
I love the Peanuts specials and my sister and I were addicted to them. We both had stuffed snoopy’s and she actually still has her’s. She still has all our Peanut books, like “Happiness is a warm puppy” and worked with a friend who works for a publisher to get them re-released. Yay!
Let’s see my almost 3 year old is Lucy-bossy (even to her bigger brother and anyone else who will listen)and willing to be mean to both younger and older kids, and has a crush (almost to being a stalker) to several boys in her nursery class.
My almost 6 year old is Charlie Brown-sensitive, wants to be athletic, but even though he is bigger than most kids usually gets the worse of their rough-housing.
We love Charlie Brown specials here and they are the ones we always make sure to watch with the kids around the holidays. We have the boxed set so we also play the Thanksgiving one, Valentines day one, and Easter one whether they are on TV or not.
Ah! I had a Snoopy stuffed toy when I was little that I also called “Noop-Neep!” Awesome.
Anna is definitely a Lucy. Trying to get her to fall asleep is totally like when Charlie Brown is trying to kick the football that Lucy is holding – and I’m Charlie Brown. I think she’s asleep, and I’m ready to kick that field goal and close her bedroom door to enjoy some sweet, sweet adult time, and then BAM! She wakes up screaming and I’m flat on my back and totally bewildered.
Awesome giveaway!
My daughter is a combo of Sally and Lucy. She can be totally sweet or totally sassy. My son is like Linus, except his obsession is trains not a blanket. We LOVE the Peanuts specials in our house. Even though they are available anytime, we do make a point of watching them on broadcast TV when they are shown!
P.S. I “Like” you on Facebook.
Roo (2.5 going on slob) is so much Pig Pen that I can’t even see my other children any longer. Are they still here? At school? Visiting with the neighbors? No one knows because we can’t see past the Roo funk.
We have a Peanuts Christmas book we got last year that plays back some favorite bits from the Christmas special. It’s endearing, even after the 5 millionth playback.
liked you! both of my daughters are lucy. so bossy and the “parent” of the children. my oldest son would be charlie….nothing ever goes his way. and my youngest son would be snoopy for cuteness alone. ๐
My 2 year old daughter Alice definitely resembles Sally, and my 6 year old son Nathan looks and acts just like Linus.
Linus- my son has a little piano that he loves to bang on; we’ve got a “charlie brown tree” to sit on top of the piano so we can have a Peanuts themed Christmas card this year!
My son is Charlie Brown, very little hair
My son is just like Franklin. Cool, Calm, & Collected
Vivian is a Lucy/Linus combo – bossy and talkative unless she’s holding Lambie by his foot and sucking her thumb. And sometimes, she’ll throw some Pig Pen in there just for good measure.
Mike’s drawings are legendary – you could almost make a coffee book out of them.
Anna is more Charlie Brown and Jack is more Snoopy. Oh and I’m the Christmas tree.
I linked to the DVD and the Look and Find book on Amazon. The Sock Monkey Snoopy is only available instore at Hallmark. I don’t think the full package is available anywhere but here (EXCLUSIVE!) but I have The Peanuts looking into it.
My kid is a Schroeder/Sally combo. Obsessed with music and our piano, yet sweet too.
The Peanuts specials are like the Superbowl around here. We impatiently wait for them and make it a celebration once they do come on!
Linus for sure…she’d drag her blankie around everywhere if I’d let her, only hers hangs out of her mouth instead of being rubbed on the side of her head.
My oldest is Marcie, unless she was a lesbian, not that there is anything wrong with that, I just know she isn’t due to her … ahem … obsession with Justin Beiber! But in the other ways (smart, loyal, kind), she is. My youngest, who second child and second daughter, is who I affectionately call “Rerun”. Now. I understand not winning the giveaway seeing as how it is all radomized but should I not qualify for a consilation prize if I don’t for showing true Fandom by listing two rather obscure characters? ( without needing to google to boot)?
You don’t need to enter me in the contest — we have the DVD’s, so I’ll pay it forward. But I love talking about Peanuts. We’re basically Charlie Brown’s family. Big brother who’s sort of deep and always philosophical about the world. And little sister Sally who rails against the injustices. And has already had a crush on a Linus.
LOVE the Peanuts gang! I was Woodstock in a community theater production of a Snoopy play and it was so much fun. I am happy that my Woodstock stuffed animals are a part of T’s life.
That Snoopy doll is ADORABLE.
I would say, right now, T is Charlie Brown. He’s almost 5 and he is totally sensitive. I’m surprised I don’t hear him utter GOOD GRIEF when he gets down on life. ๐ Plus, his best friend is a little dog. Although T’s friend is stuffed, blue and named Buddy. But, you know.
I’m a fan on Facebook too.
Ruby is straight-up Spike. Mustache, fedora, cool attitude.
My daughter is a total Lucy!!!!! At 2, she is super bossy (especially with her dad which is hilarious). she is also obsessed with a little boy at her daycare! She talks about him all the time. I have a pic of them holding hands and running through the yard at daycare and it is on my fridge. Every night at dinner she makes me put the pic on the table so she can “eat yummys with Mason”. She is soooo funny!
Linus! Totally can’t survive without the blankie. Even though it started out white and no amount of bleaching will get it back to that state. I’ve got to come up with back ups for this blankie, just in case the worst were to happen. Problem is, it’s a handmade crochet one from grandma!! Not an easy replacement.
Ben is also a HUGE fan of the new chocolate milk ad – since I think that’s the only way the kid even gains weight, is through massive quantities of chocolate milk. Can’t blame him though, good stuff.
THAT IS AN AWESOME PACKAGE. My 3yo is probably best decribe as a 3 way between Snoopy(daredevil, trickster), Peppermint Patty(invites himself to everything), and Schroder(loves listening to and playing music).
My little 4 month old Lily is Woodstock to a tee. She has no understandable language, mostly yawns, giggles, and snoring. When she does have something to say, her trusty sidekick (aka Mommy) is the only one able to translate them to the rest of the world, much like Snoopy to Woodstock. Lily also hangs out with me all day, wondering what I’m doing and helping out with my various tasks. Love this giveaway! I think mom & dad would enjoy much more than baby!!
My 7 year old is Linus to a tee…..has the blankie and is very introspect. My 2 year old is pig pen….for obvious reasons! My older guy asked if he could have a CHarlie Brown birthday party!
My 20 month-old daughter is most like Charlie. Firstly, because she has so little hair, sigh. But secondly because she has such a sweet sincerity about her. She tends to assume the best in people. On a side note, we’re going to have to really work on the “stranger-danger” concept when she’s a little older.
Totally a fan on FB!!!! Love your blog!!!
My son is Pig Pen. 10 seconds after I put a clean shirt on him and wipe his face off he is dirty again… (see pic for proof…not sure if you can see his shirt, a mess, but the syrup on his face, after I took his breakfast plate away and washed his face, is apparent…lol!)
This might be the best giveaway you’ve ever done! I’ve been working on the “Snoopy for the Holidays” thing with my oldest but the baby needs his very own Snoopy gear.
The Princess is all Lucy. Well, she’s adorable like Sally, but her personality is Lucy all the way.
The Monster? He’s Woodstock. Small, scrappy, a thinker, doesn’t talk. ๐
I’m already a FB fan! My 23 month old daughter is a Snoopy – very independent and lots of fun. But there is a little Linus in there too since she always has a “mimi” with her, which is just a baby washcloth. She doesn’t care which one it is (thankfully!), just has to have one at all times, usually within reach or at least eyesight. It’s much easier than having to worry about taking a larger blankie everywhere she goes.
i would buy a coffee table book made of mike’s drawings.
Love it. Does Snoopy have his period in your husband’s sketch? ๐
My eldest is like the teacher, she talks so fast and so Incessantly day and night that in the end all I hear is blah, blah blah blah, blah blah blah blah! You get the idea
Mazzy kissing Snoopy is too cute. I think Mike’s drawing of Snoopy resembles some sort of sick bird.
Jed is Charlie Brown, but mostly because of the bald head! Ella is Lucy, she is such a bossy pants these days.
My son is Schroeder. He’s always writing and playing new tunes on the piano. Just recently he taught himself Swan Lake.
As a fun side note, my Mom met and became good friends with George Winston when we were vacationing in Hawaii in 1992. He did much of the piano music from Charlie Brown.
I had a Charlie Brown doll, Snoopy and his girlfriend Belle growing up. I loved Charlie Brown until his little fabric head fell off, Mom tried to put him back together with a bow tie to hide the scar but he was never the same…
My daughter is 15 months old and is most like Woodstock and I am her Charlie Brown interpreter. If she had thought bubbles above her head they would be filled with colorful Woodstock chicken scratch.
Wesley is Marcy with a dash of Linus. He is quiet and watchful, figuring out how things work but also cannot sleep or travel without his silkie blankie!
I think my baby girl is Pig Pen because she hoards baby funk in her hands and neck folds all day long! I love those little folds but they can smell nasty somedays! EVen right aftre a bath you can check her hands and there is hidden funk still there. Gotta love some baby funk.
My two year old is like Snoopy. He doesn’t say much but always figures out how to tell us what he wants/needs. And finds clever ways to get things done.
Our 4month old is heading down the Schroeder path – very attentive to his surroundings and music always calms him. Though he is going to because chatty one (which character is that?)
So glad Snoopy is still around – I used to have a major Snoopy and Belle collection, with all the outfits! And now I’m dating myself…
Sage is Lucy, Cadell is pig pen, no doubt about it!
Syd is like Schroeder. Quiet and keeps to herself and enjoys music.
Can I just say that the drawing resembles a beat up penis?
Oh did I write that out loud?
Sorry, inappropriate response to a Snoopy post. Sorry Snoopy, Ilana and The Peanuts people.
Um, so Monkey is like Linus. Blankie-obsessed and all.
My baby resembles Schroder right now, the way he bangs on the keyboard of his Exersaucer, but his “speech” reminds me of Woodstock’s – nonsense and mostly occuring in anger.
my kid is woodstock. goes with the flow and sometimes whistles a little tune.
I am going to say that Corbin looks like Charlie Brown, they seem to have the same amount of hair.
Snoopy is my favorite. I have several snoopy Christmas ornaments, receiving blankets for the baby, stuffed animals. Love him
My two year old son is definitely a Pig-Pen.
Hold on a sec here. Snoopy has a penis? A red penis? Why is Mike always the first to know these things and I the last?
Aura is Lucy, simply because no kid can be bossier than mine when it comes to pretend play. I am so sick of being the crap Littlest Pet Shop animal that I’m ready to sell her. (Aura, not the toy. Actually, I’ll throw that in, too, what with its beady eensy zebra eyes and terrifying eensy zebra tail. So…bushy.)
my almost 5 year old is definitely a woodstock, always muttering under her breath or talking so fast you can’t make out any actual words
This giveaway is awesome!! My little guy is a Schroeder/Pig Pen hybrid. He loves music and hates baths.
Love this! I can’t wait to start this tradition with Luca now that he’s a little older (17 mos). He’s a bit of Schroder. He loves music although he’s too young to play yet but he loves to dance and he’s got the blonde hair. Although I do think he might have a bit of Linus in him too b/c of his potential blankie obsession.
Love this! I can’t wait to start this tradition with Luca now that he’s a little older (17 mos). He’s a bit of Schroder. He loves music although he’s too young to play yet but he loves to dance and he’s got the blonde hair. Although I do think he might have a bit of Linus in him too b/c of his potential blankie obsession.
p.s. Why does this page keep leaving and giving me an error message? Is it this darn work computer?
My 5yo is most definitely the love child of Schroeder and Lucy—sensitive artiste but has an opinion on everything. The 3yo is Peppermint Patty with a dash of Snoopy—kind of clueless but so imaginative!
Our little 8 week old Kaitlyn most resembles Sally.
She’s cute as a button.
We LOVE the peanuts. The only reason her room isn’t done up in Peanuts is everything they have on the market is all blue and boyish. I did make her diaper bag though and it is out of Snoopy fabric. And she already has her very first Snoopy. Build A Bear has an adorable one that plays his dance song and wiggles its ears. Right now its as big as she is LOL.
My 2.5 yr old is definitely a mix of Lucy and sally. She can be very bossy and aggressive but when she sees our 4yr old neighbor come out she is all over him..just like sally is with linus!
My almost 3 year old daughter is a cross between Schroeder and Linus. She loves playing the piano and has to have a blanket with her wherever she goes.
My Taylorbug is definitely a Lucy, even though she’s only 9 months she makes sure to let my husband and I know what she wants and what she doesn’t. Her first birthday is going to be themed Peanuts, I’m tired of going to the same old same ol’ kids birthday parties. Oh and you can count on us having apple bobbing ๐
I’ve always been a Snoopy/Peanuts fan since I was a kid. I agree with you – I feel that kids are growing up these days recognizing other characters but not any of the Peanuts Gang! When I started teaching, I had a Peanuts/Snoopy theme in my classroom and the kids LOVED it (not to mention I was the only teacher with this theme)! I would show the holiday DVDs and a lot of them became huge fans after being in my 1st grade class. It was such a treat for both the kids and for me!
I see a lot of Charlie Brown in my daughter, Amelia (who just turned one). When she cries she covers her eyes with her chubby little hands and sobs as if the whole world is against her. She is also cautious and a deep thinker, like Charlie Brown. Most of the time she doesn’t give up and is very ambitious and hopeful.
Thank you for this wonderful opportunity! Super happy to meet another Mom who is a Peanuts/Snoopy fan!
I’m a FB fan. My youngest son most resembles Charlie Brown when things aren’t going his way….all doom and gloom. We all love Snoopy and even have a beagle of our own! ๐
I laughed so hard when I saw the question! My son has always been Schroeder! We’ve ALWAYS teased about it! He even looks like Schroeder!
When I was pregnant, I held music boxes against my belly and I swear that he would stop squirming and listen! After he was born, he loved music right from the start! Even my pediatrician noticed what a good ear he had and encouraged me to get him a little toy piano. (that was really the start of calling him Schroeder!)
His favorite toy was the “Hit it, Maestro!” Leap Pad cartridge! All the classics, he couldn’t get enough! But Beethoven wasn’t his favorite, Vivaldi was! ๐
When he was 6 he started music lessons. He plays piano & guitar, and still loves classical music, which is highly unusual for a kid these days! It’s obvious that he will always be Schroeder.
And that’s great, because I LOVE Snoopy! I even have a Snoopy decal on the back of my car. My friends think it’s funny and like the fact that they always know it’s my car by the Snoopy on the back window! ๐
My 2 yr old is a Lucy with a super attitude while my 5 yr old son is a charlie brown with a heart full of gold and love to share!
Alex is most like Linus: insightful and sensitive. I taught him the names of all the characters and by age 3, he could answer questions like, ‘who is Charlie Brown’s friend with the sandals? Peppermint Patty’
My daughter is SO a Lucy (bossy!!!lol) and my son is part Charlie Brown (not real good at sports, but a sweetheart!). Love them both so much and Snoopy too! I used to get the kids meal at McD’s so I could have the toys when they were giving away Snoopy toys. : ) I am grateful to have grown up with Snoopy!
I LOVED Snoopy as a kid! My parents still throw my old, plastic Snoopy in the tub with my kids when they take a bath at their house ๐ The best part about it is that you can still pull his arms and legs off!
Don’t worry–they go right back on.
Both of my boys (2 and 5) are just like Linus–always carrying around their ratty, blue blankets. Each have had a special name for their favorite blanket(Buotton & BlayBay). I love it!
My daughter is a Sally/Pig-Pen Combo! She’s got Sally’s blonde hair, stubbornness & she’s always right about everything. She’s like Pig-Pen 90% of the time though, she wears more of her food than she eats & fights when it’s bath time. Sad thing is she’s 8!!! LOL
I’ve definitely got a little Lucy on my hands. And yes, I totally remember waiting for those Peanuts specials too! Ah, the good old days…
My 6 y/o is a Peanuts nut ๐ She is definitely a Lucy/Snoopy combo!
My twin daughters love Charlie Brown and gang. We actually call her Pig Pen and even got her the pig pen stuffed doll. Little does she know it is because she is the messier of the girls. My other daughter looks like Sally. She likes to dress up and just be cute. Just as you did, I grew up on Peanuts gang and every year have to watch it. I have the vinyl Great Pumpkin set as well as the Vinyl xmas scene set. That is my favorite thing to put out every year.
We are such huge Snoopy and Peanuts fans!
My older son is definitely a linus type. Always has lots of interesting facts about different things and also has his security blanket.
My younger son is a Schroder/Snoopy mix. He’s musical and loves writing and also is just very fun-loving.
My nephew is definitely Charlie Brown. He doesn’t mope and pout when he doesn’t get his way he, acknowledges it with the “good grief” attitude. Then he just moves along to continue doing what he does best, being himself.
My 20 year old son, TJ, has been obsessed with Snoopy since he was 14 months and we got a VHS tape of It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!. TJ was diagnosed with Autism 2 months later. My Mum had a Kleenex box with Snoopy on it and T would carry it around and do the Snoopy happy dance! He is just like Snoopy in many ways but mostly as he doesn’t say much, is happy most of the time, likes to dance, and is adventurous-also likes things to stay the same. We love him to bits and we would be lost without Snoopy and the Peanuts Gang!
My oldest is definitely a Linus– precocious and verbal. The baby is so joyful he would have to be a Snoopy. I AM Sally… except I don’t hate math. ๐
My daughter is a hybrid of Lucy and Sally…she can be quite the bossy girl who proclaims she will be a doctor when she grows up and on the other side she is very shy, sweet and loving like Sally.
My son is Snoopy. He loves to fly (jump on furniture), he’s always using his imagination and he is never without his Woodstock (our dog) at his side!
We are HUGE peanuts fans in this house. We have our Halloween peanuts gang all set up. My kids are Lucy and Linus for sure. My 5 year old daughter is Miss opinionated and my sweet 16 month old son carries his little blue blanket around.
my “kid” resembles snoopy.. my puppy is called Suki.. of course Snoopy came to mind, but it’s not original and she’s female..
I got her because citing Charlie Brown, “what every children needs is a warm puppy and a banjo”.. and she bosses me around and annoying me like Snoopy does to Charlie Brown, but when I’m down I always have my lovely warm puppy =]
I love peanuts! Carter probably most resembles Linus, he has a stuffed friend not a blanket, but that little giraffe has been known to be a substitue for many things, a pillow, a sun shade, a hat, but most of the time a friend. ๐
My youngest is definitely a Lucy. She is bossy and has to have things her way. My oldest I would consider more of the Charlie Brown type. I <3 Snoopy and have made sure the kids know the cartoons!
I love, love, love the Peanuts! I’ve been watching them since I was a little girl. I think that my 14 year old son resembles Linus because he always has to wear his hoodie like Linus has to have his blue blanket.
I notice there is a period in the middle of youtube above… beware of bad links!!!