If party success is determined by all participants making it out alive, then Mazzy’s 2nd birthday was a RAGING SUCCESS. I believe the only meltdown we had was a little girl who did not want to leave. The result of one too many juice boxes clouding her better judgement, I’m sure.
There were people, there were presents and most importantly there was CAKE.
Plus, with a not-so-subtle Sesame Street theme done as tastefully as possible (thank you for all your suggestions), Mazzy had no choice but to have the time of her life.
Of course, no affair is completely hassle-free. Thankfully, with the exception of general hostessing stress, the hassles occurred mainly during “pre-party prep”.
Let’s start with my brilliant decision to buy all the party decor online, sight unseen.
I used Oriental Trading Company for favors because you can buy cheaply in bulk. I decided an excellent Sesame Street themed party favor would be a box of sidewalk chalk and a rubber ducky. Then I bought adorable homemade Sesame Street goodie bags from Jettabees on Etsy.
Party favors arrived in a box. Goodie bags arrived in a large envelope. In typical Ilana-like-fashion, nothing was opened until the day before the party.
This would be when I discovered that my favor was twice the size of my bag.
I then had to decide which was more important— the favors (the harder thing to replace) or the bags (my favorite piece of Sesame Street decor by far).
Do you know what happens when you try to discuss a conundrum such as this with my husband?
His head explodes and then he goes to a safe place where he can watch ESPN and read current events and pretend he never got married in the first place.
I ended up making a last minute trip to Party City, buying 99 cent bags and then in an inspired late night “make it work” moment, glued all the small Jettabees bags on top of the bigger Party City bags.
The result was something I am actually quite proud of:
Plus now I can claim partial credit. (I glued something for my daughter’s party! I’m a real mom after all!)
The other potential disaster was the party location— Poppy & Nonna’s apartment. You might remember Poppy and Nonna’s dangerous taste in home decor from “Grandpa’s Baby Deathtrap in the Hamptons”. Unfortunately, their apartment in NYC, if placed on the same scale of “Places With The Potential to Harm Small Children” does almost equally as well (slightly above Lindsey Lohan’s Hotel Room and slightly below Shark Infested Waters).
Don’t believe me? Here’s photo evidence.
Somehow, miracle of miracles, no children got hurt or spilled anything on a couch. Which brings me to…
In order to keep the kids contained in the safest portion of the apartment, I put tons of stickers on a low table with plain party hats to decorate (mess-free activity #1), scattered assorted toys around the area and erected an impenetratable fence otherwise known as BALLOONS.
FACT: If you dangle all the balloons in one area, no child in their right mind will attempt to leave it.
And just in case, the kids were still at a loss for entertainment, I hired a musician from Music for Aardvarks to play for 30-40 minutes (mess-free activity #2). Check out satisfied guests, Charlie (Mazzy’s ex-boyfriend), Elsa and Ella (reformed bully).
Which all got me safely to the most important part of the party…
Literally a mountain of delicious cupcakes were generously supplied by Crumbs Bakeshop. They even customized the Colossal with Elmo’s face and their signature-sized cupcakes with assorted Sesame Street characters. (Costumized cupcakes are a new offering from Crumbs and not yet publicized.) The cupcakes covered the table, along with a huge assortment of minis, in a magical mother-of-a-two-year-old’s fantasy come true.
That is, before we realized the mere sight of a sprinkled confection (let alone an M&M covered cupcake) would cause a toddler riot that rivaled Occupy Wall Street proportions and moved them to a secret secure location until cake-eating time.
Once everyone sung “Happy Birthday” to Mazzy, butter cream happiness was restored.
Although I must say, I was slightly disturbed by the smile on Mazzy’s face while inhaling the heads of some of her so-called “friends”.
But not nearly as disturbed as I was by a few of her presents.
In general Mazzy got some lovely gifts. But there are two gifts I really can’t imagine her taking out in public. They would be Abby Cadabby’s wand and Elmo’s vibrating “tickle me” hands.
They just belong at another kind of party, is all I’m saying.
Your parents have awesome wood floors! (sorry, new homeowner tick)
What an ingenious way to salvage the party bags, pat on back!
And OMG that Elmo Crumbs colossal cupcake will probably drive Monkey insane, even though he’s not a cake fan. (I know, you’re like, wait, what??) The mini personalized ones are so cute. I want one. Now.
That wand looks…… er, ahem, um. Never mind.
Congratulations on a successful party!
You know after this Martha Moment … I may mail you a glue gun … you are ready for the next step 😉
Great party, and its done!!!
I love those bags!!! If you hadn’t used those etsy lovelies it would have been a crime against cuteness.
Related: Those cupcakes,
Also related: Mazzy! Stop hoarding the cute, kid. And, I want her shirt in mommy size.
PS-I hosted one of those other parties, you know, adult Tupperware, and sold enough Abby Wands to win a trip to Jamacia. I have some fantastic friends. Who disgust me. And I like it.
Yay! So glad you all survived. And that you got in touch with your inner Martha.
Now on to the holidays, where I’m sure we’ll see you glue gunning something glittery to something red or green, right?
Happy birthday Mazzy!
What a great party!!!! So glad you gave her an Elmo Extravaganza…fabulous!!! xo
From the original twitter accounts the party bag malfunctions sounded way worse! You did a great job saving those adorable bags!!
Also the cupcakes – if I hadn’t had one on Saturday, and Sunday and yesterday (what I brought 6 home?) I would be insanely jealous. They turned out great!
Well it was during the twitter account that I had not yet figured out how to solve it— so it was way worse!
They just renovated the place because they are going to put it up for sale soon so the floors are brand new.
Mike has dreams of them handing over the keys to us. I tell him to KEEP DREAMING.
I fear if I had a glue gun in my possession, I would glue something really unfortunate together— like my hands.
Interesting. So quit blogging and start selling Abby Wands, huh? Sounds promising! Related: that thing is battery operated you know…
Mazzy’s shirt is from Zara. I have recently discovered their kid’s line. Old Navy prices it is not, but their clothes are incredibly cute and un-kiddie.
I was planning on putting her in a dress but it’s impossible to find something this time of year that doesn’t look like I am taking her to the Oscars.
She loved it. Totally worth it.
Also, I think her favorite is now Abby Cadabby. I don’t know which is worse.
Maybe something blue onto something silver? And I’m gonna avoid the GLITTER TRAIN for as long as humanly possible.
That party worked out fabulous! I love small bags glued on large bags idea, and the games/decor looked awesome. So happy for you. Now I do have one burning question – I desperately need pretzel rods for a holiday treat I would like to make. I have looked EVERYWHERE and can’t find them anywhere but Bulk Barn where they are inevitably broken so useless to me. The huge jar of them in an above pic naturally caught my jealous eye … where did you buy them from??? (and for the love of God, please do NOT name a store that is only located in the US-of-A, I need one that crossed the Canadian/USA border. Thanks!!!!
They are Utz’s Pretzel Stix and since my mom brought them, I can only assume they were purchased at Costco.
I’m gonna guess that Costco is not international— since I imagine bulk item purchasing for those who are not affiliated with some sort of restaurant or sports arena, is a purely American thing.
Hi. I’ve been reading through your site for the past 20 minutes and love everything about it!! I’m fairly new to the blog world, but if you have a minute and want to check it out, I’d appreciate it. But I do love your site and will definitely be back to finish my reading! 🙂
Those gifts at the end? Makes me wonder what sheltered people create kids’ toys. I’m mean, DUH.
I love the “decorate your own hat” idea. Totally using that next time. Also, I see that Crumbs White Hot Chocolate cupcake on the table – don’t think I don’t. Warn your parents – I’ll be over in an hour.
Lastly, can I get that wand from you?
So uh… where do you think Mazzy’s friend’s mom purchased those gloves? I mean.. I’m just curious.. *ahem*
Great bash! Loved the gift bags (I was wondering if you’d made them yourself). Question: Your dad WAS joking when he told me he had no knowledge of any “Grandpa’s Baby Death Trap in the Hamptons” post, right? Hope I didn’t spill the beans! Your stepmom should share her Google skills 😉
Thanks! I will totally check out your site.
I mean, don’t these have to be PBS sanctioned? And isn’t PBS filled with highly intelligent individuals???
You can buy a pack of 1000 stickers at Party City for about $3. (I swear I am not working for them.)
Sadly, that white hot chocolate cupcake was gone quicker than I could get to it. Most disappointing moment of the party by far.
Does the sound of Elmo laughing turn you on? Because that’s a key element of the gloves. Perhaps there’s a way to disable the audio…
I’m not sure if he was joking or just being forgetful. He definitely knew about it— he was there while I was walking around screaming in horror and taking pictures.
As for my stepmom, she possesses no crazy google skills. The tech-savvy woman I believe you are referencing is my mother-in-law. Write something less than favorable about her on an obscure unlinked website and she will find it within the hour!
Just the latest in a long line to congratulate you on the INSPIRED gift bag solution! Love it and foresee a trend starting… Happy Birthday to your munchkin!
Your bags are adorable! Super crafty way to save them!
The field of balloons, brilliant! I just attended a party for a 1-year old and all the kids, my 10-month old included, went gaga for the balloons. I fear the day he actually pops one…
And stickers on the hats, great idea! All-in-all, I think you put on quite the shindig for your Mazzy. Great job (and thanks for sharing it!)
Oh I just love everything about it all!
Um, how is your Mazzy NOT covered in frosting and cake, and properly using a fork? None of my 3 boys is willing (despite being able) to use a fork, nevermind properly, and they are 2.5, 4.8 and 7!
Bravo! From one last minute package opener to another, that was a spectacular save.
And thanks to those glove, I’m now having visions of the episode of Elmo’s World when he says, “What do we do when we want to learn about…We watch the foreplay channel!” La la la la, la la la la…Elmo’s World!
As an Omaha reader, I had to smile at the Oriental Trading Co mention! Thanks for supporting a business here! Great job on the party.
It’s official – my non-cake eating 2yo is weird.
Cute party! Are we sure Abby Cadabby’s wand isn’t a “magic” wand? 😉
Getting harder and harder to love you…you make me me feel like a LAHLOOOZER.
Wait, let me reframe that, Eleanor Roosevelt style: I MAKE MYSELF feel like a lahloozer.
You? You , I still love.
Happy HAPPY Birthday, Mazzy…and how can your baby be two already?????
Really? vibrating Elmo hands? That’s sooooo wrong! Glad the party went off so well. Those party bags are genious!
Be very thankful that Abby Caddaby’s wand doesn’t vibrate. That’s all I’m sayin’.
Ah, how did my well-developed Costco spotting skills not think of that??? As actually we not only have Costco I should purchase stocks in it to make up for the copious amount of crap, I mean REALLY USEFUL THINGS that have made their way from the Costco shelves into our humble abode. Hooray for over-indulgent Canadians! 🙂 THANKS!! Of course, the kicker is, I only need 15 pretzel rods and will wind up with 150 … but that is but a small price to pay for the craft I will attempt to make and then pretend my 2 year old did (judging by our decorated sugar cookies and sad inability to tell which were made by the 37 year old vs. 8 year old vs. 2 year old).
something blue onto something silver totally made me giggle.
glitter, by the way, is NOT to be messed with. Avoid. Forever.
nice job, particularly with the ‘no trauma’ results. cute kid ya got there, girl. very cute kid. happy belated!
Your posts make me crack up every time! Looks like Mazzy’s party was a total success, and way to salvage the bags, you really did a great job. It’s great to get tips for a 2 year old’s bday party…we’re going to have one in May and I’m due with baby #2 right around the same time. How’s that going to work if I go into labor the day of her party?!
Do you realize that the wand is from grandma #1 and the tickle me hands from grandma #2? Mazzy has some wild and crazy grandmas.
Those Elmo hands are terrifying! Why would someone make those for children let alone buy them?
A trend of opening party decor the day before the party for a fun-filled birthday challenge?
Mazzy lives for balloons. They are actually still in my apartment. As is one of those foil balloons from halloween- those things last forever! I should throw it away while she’s sleeping.
Mazzy will not stay still long enough to make that much of a mess. If you notice, the plate isn’t even on a table and she is standing up. That is the way she eats everything. SIGH.
As long as he never gets to the part where he says, “And now Elmo will ask a baby!”…
I had no idea! I was just googling party favors and that’s what came up. Awesome site- those boxes of sidewalk chalk were very substantial and CHEAP!
Mazzy is more interested in the idea of cake than eating the cake. At the party, she took a bite and licked about four different cupcakes but never truly got into one. And I brought out leftover cake the next day and the only thing she wanted to do with it was light candles and sing happy birthday.
Don’t let me do that to you- really. As of this moment, I am buried in a pile of tissues, applying copious amounts of Aquaphor under my nose.
BY-product of having 12 two year olds over I guess.
The Elmo mitts vibrate. The wand lights up and makes “magical noises”. Maybe it’s some sort of “guide”.
I can one-up you with that one. I was scheduled to give birth to Mazzy on the same day I was supposed to be the maid of honor at my sister’s wedding. Luckily, Mazzy came ten days early.
OMG! You are right! What is WRONG with you two???
I know a few people in the comment section that suggested they were interested in purchasing them…
Leftovers? If so please ship to me ASAP. When is Crumbs opening in my town? Hey! we are college town – college kids LOVE cupcakes AND we have kids too… KIDS LOVE CUPCAKES! Seriously Ilana, talk to those folks and get them to come to my little town will ya?
Looks like a sugar infused rager! Congrats! You are almost to the age where she will remember it! Hope you got a good nap afterwards – and Happy Birthday Mazzy!
What a stylish death trap it was though…happy birthday Mazzy, may you provide much blog fodder for many years to come!
I am just finally catching up over here. The gift bags are a triumph in making it work!
Elmo’s VIBRATING HANDS!!! What?! That rivals my unicorn blanket. And now I can’t get the picture of somebody hiding UNDER the unicorn blanket with the Elmo hands out of my mind. GAAHHH!!!
[…] Mazzy turned two, we threw her a huge birthday bash at my dad’s apartment. Because we couldn’t possibly fit all of her friends in our own apartment. You know, because […]
Love the Sesame Street theme! I understand why Mazzy had to have the best time of her life.
For Apple Lee’s 2nd birthday, the theme is a Canada picnic in Rainbow Park which caters to toddlers and babies. There’s changing tables in the bathrooms and at the ice cream stand they give you extra napkins for those ice cream dropper kids.
Her birthday happens to be July 1st (Canada Day) but the parents don’t really have any plans when the kids are this age, so we’re going to get headphones and all the kids wear them and watch the fireworks. Cherry pie and red freezies will be handed out.
Apple Lee, my Canada Day baby, you did pick a wonderful time to be born. On your mommy’s birthday, of course!)