When Mazzy started talking, she said every word in the book before MAMA. Chapter Number One? DADA. Something my ridiculously competitive husband rubbed in my face every single day.

I had no idea Mike and I were in competition until we had a child. Now I win at bedtime and diaper changing and Mike wins at "excitement levels exerted upon returning home from work". None of it seems quite fair.

But at least in this part of the world, we take things out on each other instead of our kid.

Do you know what happens in Australia when a baby says MAMA before DADA? That baby gets called in for questioning Law & Order style…


In the spirit of today's inquisition, I rewrote an old favorite for Babble called "7 (Not So Serious) Stages of Speech Development". If you haven't read it, go check it out.

If you are craving newer material, do me a favor and go sign "The Mommy Wars Peace Treaty". It's about ending the ridiculous debate between stay-at-home moms and working moms. 

And don't worry, just like in parenthood— nobody has to admit defeat.