
I was not a cool kid when I was little. I might have been cute but I lacked confidence. My daughter on the other hand walks this earth like she owns it. 

Piccolini (a Manhattan based kid's shop) sent Mazzy a pair of Wayfarer sunglasses a few weeks ago, and she has not left the house without those suckers since. 


I don't know how she instinctually knows that coolness must be shielded from the sun, that shades are the surest sign of success, that lowly passersby must never have direct access to her eyes— but she does. Oh yes, SHE DOES.

She has also learned that Cookie Monster is way cooler than Elmo.


That you should only hang out with OTHER COOL KIDS at school.

Cool kids

And that true trendsetters can pull off ANYTHING.


Upside down glasses? Been there, done that. PUH-LEEZE.

Over on Babble today, I've got "12 Toddlers Who Are Cooler Than You", including my beloved bespectacled Mazzy. Thanks to everyone who submitted pictures!