That's me yesterday at exactly 33 weeks pregnant. That's just seven weeks left; five weeks if this one comes two weeks early like Mazzy. (Eep!)
After all the talk of feeling HUGE, my OB informed me that I am carrying "small" and wants me to come in for an ultrasound on Monday. Probably the only time in my life where looking "small" is potentially a bad thing. Mazzy was small too so I am trying not to worry too much.
Last week, my "You look HUGE" preggo chart exploded on Facebook and you all responded with over 400 offensive comments people made while you were pregnant. Of course, I had no choice but to pick my favorites (favorites meaning the comments that would make me lock myself in my bedroom until my due date) and list them on Babble. Check out "The 16 Worst Comments Actually Said to Pregnant Women".
What else happened this month besides Lyndsay's husband calling her "Shamu"?
• Mazzy thought my belly button was her new little sister
• I found out Preschool University doesn't include room and board
• We all confessed to never washing our jeans
• My unborn child signed up for therapy
• Mazzy's art was professionally critiqued
• We played with our childen while half asleep
• I packed candles, a motivational soundtrack and a birthing protocol document in my hospital bag (hahahahahahahaha)
• Mazzy KICKED ASS in her first potato sack race
and most importantly…
Also, yesterday I asked everyone to tell me their kid's messiest moment for a chance to win an Oreck VersaVac. Even though the winner will be selected randomly, your responses were so awesome (styrofoam, olive oil, kitty litter, OH MY!) that I'm also going to use them for a comment competition. You've got until October 12th to enter.
Next week, I will be announcing the prizes for the Evil Baby Glare-Off set to begin on October 15th. (Everyone as excited as I am???) You can still enter by posting a photo of your kid's evilest glare on the wall of the Mommy Shorts Facebook Fanpage. I've even got ten of my favorite contenders on Babble today.
I want to sign off with something witty but I'm feeling spent. Would you believe Mazzy didn't fall asleep until 11:30pm last night? And woke up at the ungodly hour of 3am? You try and convince a two-year-old that the television doesn't work in the middle of the night.
Plus, Mike is going away this weekend so I am on my own. Anyone want to trade places for the next 3 days? I've got lots of wine, Haagen Dazs ice cream in the fridge and a great big pregnancy pillow to keep you company at night…
That is all. I'm tired.
— Mommy Shorts
I measured small too, but baby #2 was 7 pounds 3 oz which is not too bad! And you look gorgeous!
Have a er, restful weekend.
I kind of hate the “measuring big/measuring small thing”. Sometimes we almost seem to know too much and the excess knowledge can be detrimental rather than helpful! I get that in some cases it is really vital and indicative of a larger (no pun intended) issue … but in majority of cases I have found it just leads to unnecessary stress and in the end – the babies are perfectly fine in size! The last month is when they pack on weight – that is why 36-37 weekers look scrawnier and 40-42 weekers look pudgier. It all works out in the end!! It’s like when they find things during ultrasounds … I got incredibly stressed from being told my second had a spot on her heart, when turns out that is found a lot, can be indicative of a developmental disorder – or can mean nothing! In our case was nothing and I was stressed for a month over nothing. I get if there had been other signs … but point is, don’t take just one thing in isolation and stress over it.
Really??? I can’t believe Babe #2 is almost here. Are you guys going to do a sponsored babymoon? You totally should. I’m going to tell the Ritz to call you STAT! By the way, you look gorgeous!
Good Luck!!!
I’m home alone with Mr. Lucas too most of the weekend if you want to hang. I’d text you, but I left my phone at home. And my keys. ‘Cause it’s that kind of morning. 🙁
OMG!!! I thought of you (in a non-creepy way) and Mazzy’s public shaming sign related to Caillou at 5am last night as my sick 2.5 year old climbed into my bed (uninvited, mind you) and demanded for 15 minutes that I turn the TV on. “It’s broken.” “No, TV NOT broken. I want TV ON!” “The TV doesn’t work in the middle of the night.” “TV ON!” “No, really, the TV is closed in the middle of the night. THey don’t show anything at midnight.” “TV ON!!!” Ugh… I’m both sorry and glad to hear that i was not alone! 🙂
Won’t be long now! I measured small too. I’m puny so I wasn’t surprised. FEEL WELL! Such an exciting time.
You look amazing, btw. Sheesh! If I looked anything like you while pregnant I wouldn’t have been so quick to shut the “factory” down, perhaps. With my second I was much smaller, but he also sat lower. Though I still looked like I’d swallowed a watermelon and he weighed less, but he also decided to come at 39 weeks as opposed to being evicted at 41. I think you’ll be fine, especially if Mazzy was small. Sending non creepy cyber hugs.
One thought on the sleep, pull her naps if you haven’t already. Also maybe she senses anxiety and it’s carrying on to her? I dunno, ask Dr B.
my dr never told me i measured small because i am short (not quite 5 feet) so she was all like well the baby is about 6 pounds thats good for you! they did tell me at babys 2 month check up that her head size was very good and they had been a little worried about it when she was born cause it was small. I dont know how eleven centameters could be small but whatever. Dont worry everything will be perfect!
Mommy shorts, you have failed to make your pregnancy sound dreadful enough to deter us from wanting more. Just one look at you in that pic and you make me want to have another one (#3!). Quick, say something to get that thought out of my head! I know, I’ve learned nothing.
You look fab!
The good thing about having your husband away for a weekend:
1) Your house stays cleaner.
2) You can really step down your culinary game when you’re only serving a person who’s idea of fine dining is Chicken Nuggets. Oatmeal cookies have SOME health benefits, right? Chances are, he’s eating out all weekend, so you should order in. You have my permission. Feel free to blame me.
3) Bedtime is whenever you say it is.
4) If it rains, you can watch movies until everyone’s eyeballs fall out of their heads.
5) If he comes home and the house is completely trashed, he will assume that you were having a rough time, and will help clean up out of guilt. Do not, under any circumstances, correct his assumption.
They thought my second baby was small to average sized. She was NINE POUNDS. Don’t make yourself crazy!
Not sure why people got so riled over “baby shaming.” I mean, you have “evil baby” contests here too. Come on, people. Have a sense of humor.
What a beautiful photo!
Just had the ultrasound and everything is just fine. Baby weighing in at a healthy 4.7lbs.
As someone who went through a huge ordeal with Mazzy, I totally know what you are saying. I was diagnosed with Toxoplasmosis and had to go for weekly ultrasounds, take tons of medication, and meet with the infectious disease doctors regularly. I was also put in the ICU for a week because I was allergic to the medication and they had to desensitize me to it. Plus, I drove myself crazy looking up every worst case scenario online.
In the end, Mazzy was fine. I often wonder if that was because of everything I did or if it would have been that way regardless. If the doctors never diagnosed the todo (most doctors don’t test for it in the US), I never would have known.
we wanted to do a baby moon (remember my Blantyre giveaway? We never went!) but I think we’ve already run out of time. This month is craziness.
Yep- Mazzy has been coming into our room uninvited too asking to turn on the TV. I’ve started telling her that Curious George goes to sleep just like her.
We’ve been experimenting with taking away her nap. It’s a trade-off though. No nap means she goes to sleep better at bed time but is a complete crazy person from 3pm-7pm.
This pregnancy has been blissfully uneventful. But if you want to be deterred from having more children, you should look no further than my pregnancy with Mazzy. Total hell:
I deserve an uneventful pregnancy!
ha pasado que no es una pareja de angeles pondineo los huevos, si no que son 2 hembras las que ponen huevos, estoy casi seguro que este puede ser tu caso. Saludos.
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Posted by on April 20, 2012 at 7:43 pm Ken, I think we tend to forget that everyone has a story. Heck, I think mine is pretty boring. Then I tell someone I know online a little tidbit about me and they are excited to know and relate. It is really a great idea to simply share a little about yourself here and there. Like you do. I like the photos you have around your site, very personable. It makes me smile, remember you and then come back.~AllieAllie | Ramblings of a WAHM recently posted..
It’s always a pleasure to hear from someone with expertise.