To be fair, it's not just my mother. It's my mother-in-law, my father, my sister, my friends, my co-workers, my dry cleaner, my doorman, etc. etc. etc.
All the attention has successfully convinced my husband that we are late and something is wrong, when in reality we are due tomorrow.
When I say "we", I am being polite. Obviously, I will be the only one pushing a baby out of my vagina and my husband better remember that for the rest of his life.
In other news, because I seem to have all this additional time, I have become quite active on Pinterest. Pinning baby things I will never own, crafts I will never make and food I will never cook.
It's surprisingly sastifying to take ownership of a DIY project that I couldn't finish if someone offered me a million dollars while holding a gun to my head.
To counterbalance, I am also pinning things like this:
which make me feel a bit better about my future as a parent.
I tried to create a board for "fashionable pregnancy bibs" but shockingly, none exist. Which means— I am that much closer to making my millions!
What pregnant woman wouldn't want to protect her ample bossom from housing crumbs and catching ketchup? We all know the "napkin on your lap" thing doesn't quite cut it when your stomach is touching the underside of the table. Am I right?
If you'd like to follow me on Pinterest, click here. I promise, I'm not really pinning adult bibs (even though I really want/need one.)
Okay, I'm gonna go now because I think I'm in labor.
Nope, just gas.
Welcome to my world.
Thank you for the laugh. And have a ‘happy’ delivery;)
I had my younger one at the end of May and I swore I would never forget the pain. I wasn’t out of the hospital when I was thinking maybe we could have the third one!
I commend you for making it to 40 weeks! I had the twins at 36 and then thought I was ready to die when I had the new baby at 39. You’re my hero. In the meantime, you eat all the ice cream you can get your hands on, and make sure everyone is doing your bidding.
Yes, I delivered this past Friday and I was so annoyed by all the comments. “You’re still here?!” I wanted to say, “No. No, I’m not. What you are seeing is a hologram.” Or, ,” Oh, I had the baby earlier today and came back to work.”
Oh my goodness. My little girl was a week late and by then, I was so over the pregnancy thing. Good luck with surviving the end!
PS: I’ll totally buy a pregnancy bib. That idea is genius.
You need to have that baby, because every day you’re writing about still being pregnant, and now I’m having dreams (no, they are most definitely nightmares) that I am pregnant. That is not funny. Not funny at all.
Do you have an apron? Well, there’s your adult bib. Unfortunately, I don’t have any good stock answers to the “have you had the baby, yet?” question. I was still working at my desk job three days past my due date. I couldn’t bare hearing “still no baby?” one more time so I didn’t come back. Good decision, it was still five more days until baby arrived.
My first was born at 41 weeks, my second at 40 weeks. By the last week, I was so sick of all the phone calls, facebook messages, texts, etc. asking if I had the baby yet, that I stopped responding and cut myself off from all outside communication. While it was nice to not have to reply, this tactic only increases the number and frequency of those annoying phone calls.
I am only 35 weeks and already totally wishing I’d go into labour. I don’t remember feeling this way last time, but I think that’s because I was SCARED and now I’ve been through birth once, so I am not as terrified. Maybe I should be!
Wishing you a quick and easy one!
Pregnancy bib FTW! I would totally have bought one. None of my maternity clothes came out stain free. I hope you have a safe and easy labor.
You mean while holding a GLUE gun to your head right ;). Due date tomorrow? Good luck! Have Thai food 😀
Hmmm It’s Wednesday morning. You should be going into labor soon. 🙂
What is far less annoying than the questions from everyone while you are pregnant, is if they see you after you’ve delivered and still ask, “when are you going to have your baby?”
My single neighbor actually did that five days after my son was born WHILE I walking him IN the stroller. I don’t think his head was connected that day and luckily I was too exhausted after having five hours of sleep over three days to think about beheading him.
I did still look pregnant (but only about 8 months worth, not nine) for a week after, b/c I had an epidural and they pumped me full of fluids. My feet also swelled like balloons just like my belly.
The things they don’t tell you..
May it be soon..
I recommend plasma car racing; ridiculous I know, but it beats having sex or eating spicy kak. Good luck. Drink some beer.
Those fancy pregnancy bibs would work great for sumo wrestlers too. Just sayin’
Good luck! Mine like to come early, 37 weeks for my oldest and 32 weeks for the twins. But I was so uncomfortable with the twins at 32 weeks, I couldn’t imagine what it’d be like carrying them full term like some twin moms I know.
I totally screwed myself by assuming I would be early. I started writing posts about being about to give birth two weeks ago, thinking that each post would be my last before the baby. Now I don’t know what to write about!
I actually went back to work yesterday because I had nothing else to do. They wanted me to come in for a brainstorm and I get paid by the hour so I was just like— yeah, sure, I’m not doing anything else today…
I just had to google plasma car racing and YEAH. I can totally see why that would work!
Sending this to my sister…today is her due date and still no baby!
I was almost 42 weeks with my son and I worked every day up to the birth. So I know the phone calls, the questions, the “you’re still here?” The best would be when a stranger asked when I was due and I would reply “last week…” I just laughed at the look of panic and carried on. My brother and I were both quite late so I was half-expecting it from the beginning. And my husband was researcher number one with the natural labor-inducing stuff. We tried everything but the castor oil – that one just seemed a bit extreme. And none of it worked.
You forgot, yearning for glass of wine. desperately.
omg, I’m ready to deliver and I’m not even pregnant. I have no idea what that means.
OMG, I totally could have used a pregnancy bib. Genius.
40 weeks…that seems so far away. I’m only at 21 weeks, but I feel like I’ve been pregnant FOREVER… Please tell me when this so called “1st trimester nausea” goes away…
Howdy! Would you mind if I share your blog with my facebook group?
There’s a lot of people that I think would really enjoy
your content. Please let me know. Cheers
It’s amazing how time comes to a complete stop when you’re 40 weeks along. I try talking to the baby to coax them out. And don’t even try to plan when they’ll possibly arrive because they won’t listen. It’s a baby conspiracy.
Yes! Finally someone writes about d.
Thank you for the laugh. And have a ‘happy’ delivery;)
I had my younger one at the end of May and I swore I would never forget the pain. I wasn’t out of the hospital when I was thinking maybe we could have the third one!
Very interesting story, thanks for information. I read this with pleasure 🙂
I recommend plasma car racing; ridiculous I know, but it beats having sex or eating spicy kak. Good luck. Drink some beer.
It’s really helpful information for moms! Thanks for your work!
Great and helpful info! Thank you!