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If you have a growing number of holiday cards piling up on your kitchen counter (or hanging off your mantle for the super-moms amongst us), please know that mine will not be among them.

Like every year, we say we are getting holiday cards (we meaning I, my husband could care less) and then realize we don't want to spend precious sleeping/TV-watching time licking, stamping and addressing envelopes, all to send out cards that will eventually wind up in the trash.

Also— who is going to take those cards to the post office? Our magical errand fairy?

So, in a thoroughly modern move (or as the ultimate act of laziness), I have decided that holiday cards are only necessary for people who do not have blogs. I mean, isn't my blog just one long holiday newsletter that lasts all year long? And if you are not reading my blog, do you really deserve a holiday card???

Even though we've ditched the postage effort, I'd still like to show off our family photos. Particularly, since they were taken by the amazing NYC photographer— Jenny Sherouse. A photographer so amazing, she made it look like our just-turned-three-year-old daughter willingly participated in the photo shoot without any threats or bribing whatsoever!

Take a look at the photo up top again. See my arm wrapped around Mazzy's leg? That's me holding onto her with every fiber of my being. Notice my finger hooked on top of her thumb? That's the "Mommy Death Grip". It says, "Try to run from this photo-taking opportunity and you might break a finger."

Mazzy retaliated by almost biting Harlow's ear off…

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Then Harlow tried to take her own fingers…

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Jenny took our family portraits last year as well and I remember thinking that Mazzy was totally out of control, but now I realize "out of control" is a relative thing.

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Thankfully, this year we took the pictures in our apartment so the shoot didn't end in a dangerous toddler chase down the streets of Manhattan. 

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FAMILY PHOTO TIP: If you have a three-year-old, shoot indoors. Or somewhere with a fence.


In that last photo, Mazzy is pulling my hair and I am laughing like it's the funniest thing in the world instead of the most painful, because THAT'S WHAT YOU DO WHEN THERE IS A PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER IN THE ROOM.

One of my favorite photos is the one below but we would never be able to use it on an actual holiday card because Mazzy is nowhere to be found. Unless the message of the card was, "Look! We traded in last year's child for a new one!"

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In reality, Mazzy is directly to my left, twirling herself into oblivion and stomping on our duvet.

Harlow, who cannot move on her own (thank god— can you imagine a family photo shoot with two moving targets??), was more photo-ready and agreed to be in every picture.



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(I'm currently debating weighting her ankles so that she never learns to walk.)

When all went as planned and our two daughters both cooperated, the resulting photos are, to me, the most beautiful thing in the world…

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On second glance, Harlow looks slightly concerned.

As she should. I wouldn't trust Mazzy for a second.

Thank you to Jenny Sherouse for capturing my family in her beautiful pictures. I don't know how she did it, because Mazzy was one big BLUR.

If you are looking for a family photographer in the NY area and beyond, you cannot do better. Check out Jenny's photos here.
