Giveaway: 7 A.M. Enfant Blanket 212Evolution, Warmmuffs, Mittens and Hat
If you've been following me on Instagram, you know I've spent the past week on a family ski trip in Park City, Utah. How do you take a baby and a preschooler on a ski trip with any chance of skiing yourself?
I'll tell you how.
You go with your cousins, three of which ski and one of which is a very responsible adult who has no interest in skiing and loves taking care of children. AKA, my cousin Robyn.
I have no idea why someone would want to spend their vacation trapped in a condo with a one-year-old, but I don't ask questions. I just smile, hand my baby over and back out slowly, taking my snow pants as I go.
We took Mazzy skiing for the first time (well, the second, if you count the time she had a tantrum before she even got to the slopes), but I want to save the ski experience for another post.
Today, I want to talk about the ICE CASTLE. Or Elsa's ice castle, as Mazzy prefers to call it.
I found out about the ice castle after someone posted a photo of it on Instagram a few weeks ago. I asked where it was and found out it was only twenty minutes from where we were staying.
My plan was born. This is what we would do one day instead of skiing. Mazzy was going to FLIP OUT.
We arrived. Mazzy thought it was as awesome as expected.
She even flashed her signature superhero move. (I think she's showing off an invisable wrist guard laced with superpowers, but I can't be sure.)
Harlow wandered around like she had landed on another planet.
I thought it was the photo taking opportunity of a lifetime.
Then we came to the ice slide. It was a tiny tunnel carved into the ice that you had to climb up and then slide down, spitting you out some 100 yards away. The ice is solid and white so you can't see what's happening inside.
Mazzy stopped in her tracks. "I want to go in!"
"Ummmm….." I imagined her suddenly panicking midway through, with all the people behind her screaming for her to move. "I don't know if this is the best idea."
"Please, Mama?"
That little face. Oh my god. Did I have to take her on it? I looked at the tiny hole with a pool of water forming at the bottom. I was wearing jeans. They would get soaked. I was also not immune to panicking in small cramped spaces myself.
Big breath.
"Okay, Mazzy, let's do it together!"
This is how much I love my daughter.
You would think the ice slide would be the highlight of the trip. NOT EVEN CLOSE.
Two seconds later, Mazzy stopped again. This time she was speechless, starring into the distance like a child possessed. I followed her gaze and noticed two women in rather elaborate attire taking photos with small children.
"Come on, Mazzy. Keep moving."
She didn't budge.
"I want to take a picture with them."
"Who? Those ladies? Why do you care about those ladies?"
The words she spoke next were slow, quiet and breathless, never taking her eyes off them.
"It's Anna and Elsa."
That's when I noticed the ridiculously long line.
"We'd have to wait behind all those people to take a picture. You don't want to wait in that long line do you?"
"Yes. I do!"
One of the little girls who had just taken a photo with the princesses was dressed as Elsa herself. It was worth a shot.
"Mazzy, look! It's the young Elsa! Let's take a photo with her!
I ran after the girl's mother and asked if my daughter could take a photo with her daugther. She agreed.
I'm a genius!
Or so I thought.
After the photo with the little Elsa imposter, Mazzy quickly gravitated back toward the older Elsa and Anna. Also imposters, but children see what they want to see.
It was inevitable. We stood on line for about 45 minutes.
Totally worth it.
Before our trip, 7 A.M. Enfant sent me a big package full of winter and travel gear for the girls. Two ultra warm Chapka hats, snow booties for Harlow, waterproof mittens, a chevron stroller blanket, the most awesome travel diaper bag and Warmmuffs— these ingenius insulated mittens that attach to your stroller with velcro at the fingertips so you can take your hands in and out easily to tend to your baby.
7 A.M. Enfant is no joke. Their stuff is well made, ridiculously warm, ultra sleek (it's from France!), incredibly soft and everything comes in a wide variety of awesome colors.
The Voyager diaper bag is oversized and super light— the absolute PERFECT carry-on. It's got bottle pockets on the side and big pockets in the front for easy access to your wallet, passport, phone and pacifiers. There's a handle, a shoulder strap and velcro straps if you want to attach it to the back of a stroller. Inside has tons of mesh pockets along with a removable diaper pouch and a cooler bag.
Plus, I got the neon green so nobody will ever walk off with my bag by accident.
The Blanket 212Evolution is plush, sleek and adjustable to fit your child from infancy to preschool. There's a reason why every parent in Manhattan has one in their stroller. We walk everywhere we go so our babies are constantly exposed to the elements.
Today, 7 A.M. Enfant is giving away one Blanket 212Evolution ($189), one pair of Warmmuffs ($38), one pair of Classic Mittens ($9) and one Chapka hat ($30). Just follow the simple rules below.
1) You must follow 7 A.M. Enfant on facebook to enter. Then finish the following sentence in the comment section below.
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is __________________.
2) For a second entry, pin the giveaway graphic on Pinterest and leave a second comment that you did so.
Winner will be announced Friday, the 28th.
Good luck!
UPDATE: Congratulations to Jessica Cash who won the 7 A.M. Enfant giveaway for over $250 worth of amazing winter baby gear. She said, the only thing harder than dressing your kids for the cold is "trying to pee alone".
Please contact for your prize!
Scraping 3 day old poop off the carpet without passing out from the stench. I may have let my 2 year old run around naked. I think he ran into every room and left his mark.
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is attempting to entertain my toddler after the umpteenth snow day!
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is getting them to come back inside for a restroom break and taking all the layers off.
Thanks for the chance to win 🙂
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is pushing a stroller over a foot of snow!
I pinned it too! I live in Montreal, I could really really use these!!
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is pushing the stroller through the slushy NYC street corners.
I pinned it.
Brushing their hair and teeth.
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter isgetting them to come iinside when you are frozen.
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is convincing them to do it, without a hot chocolate bribe!
Pinned the giveaway graphic on Pinterest. Thanks for the chance to win 🙂
…getting them to bed the last day of vacation
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is deciding what to put in the flask on your way out the door into the cold!
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is getting myself ready while they stand/lay there all cocooned and hot while they’re waiting for you! (a 7 month and a 4 year old.)
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is fighting with them to wipe the snot off their faces.
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is _figuring out how to tell your toddler you don’t want to pull them back up the snow hill for the 100th time_.
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed for winter is convincing a 3 y/o that his shoes are in fact on the wrong feet.
Convincing them to come back in 🙂
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is getting them to stay out playing longer than it took to get them dressed!
Packing to go on vacation with a baby.
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is when they finally learn how to unzip themselves… In the parking lot… And throw their coats into the street…
Is carrying two kids that look like michellan men down two flights of stairs and back up two flights because they cant walk or so it by themselves or because they are cold, and there I am wearing a pair of sweats outside
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is keeping my iPhone away from my 18-month old.
The only thing harder… Is getting them to sleep all night long!! So. Tired.
getting them dressed for church and there on time!
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is trying to convince them a dress doesn’t work as their base layer in -7.
Getting the kids back inside!!!
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is getting the baby in and out of the car with 3 foot snow banks surrounding me!
Knowing that 10 minutes from now, they will be done and complain about how cold they are. Or maybe that’s me, not my kids.
The only thing harder than getting your kid dressed to go out in the winter is… doing absolutely anything else for the entire day.
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is _ staying home all day with them!!
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is trying to put sunblock on them in the summer
Taking it all off when they need to pee.
pinned it!!
Trying to pee alone!
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go outside is getting them undressed, drying all the coats, boots and socks and doing it all over again.
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is trying to pee in private!!
Potty training. Hands down.
…the prep in the summer: sunscreen, hat, extra set of clothes and towels for the sprinkler in the park, sandals that have difficult buckles — and then potty/diaper change.
Undressing them to go potty!
Getting kids dressed for winter weather is harder than stuffing a 10 pound turkey into a sandwich ziplock:)
The only thing harder is getting a toddler out of puke soaked clothes!
The only thing harder than getting my kid dressed to go out in the winter is getting him back in his stroller or car seat once we’ve let him out. That kid is determined to be free.
Pinned it!
The only thing harder than getting my kids dressed to go out in the winter was giving birth three times.
Getting the out of puke soaked clothes!
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is trying to remember what your forgetting!
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go outside in the winter is getting them to not touch the dirty snow piled up on each corner.
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is running back up the ice covered front steps and inside the house for a toddler emergency potty trip!
…is getting them dressed and ready to go out in the winter on time. For anything.
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is convincing your husband to take them alone!
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go outside in the winter is getting them undressed immediately after you zip up the last piece of outdoor gear. Because you know as soon as the mittens, hat, coat, boots are on, they will yell out they have to go potty “RIGHT NOW!!!”, which means you have to defrock them at warp speed less they should have an accident. Never mind it took nearly 20 minutes to bundle them up in the first place…
The only thing harder is keeping them from jumping in all the snow piles and walking really slow and getting in the car really slow… So that you are already frozen by time you still have to brush all the snow off the car.
Man, this winter sucks!
is getting them away from the tv
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is getting them undressed from their winter clothes for a “quick” diaper change.
I pinned
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is getting them undressed fast enough when they decide they now need to pee.
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is …making sure the first kid doesn’t take off all their winter accessories while dressing the second one!
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is getting my daughter OUT of her winter clothes. She’s two and obsessed with her winter accessories. She would wear her winter coat 24/7 if we would let her. She once convinced her Papa that she needed to take a nap in it. We got home and found that she had soaked through the hood with sweat but still didn’t want to take it off when she woke up.
Only thing harder is getting them back inside once their lips have turned blue
Getting them to eat their veggies!!!
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is to get them undressed because they forgot to go per first.
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed in winter is making them understand that snow pants and boots are not necessary for a quick walk to the mailbox (or neighbors, or car ride to school) just because one can still see snow in piles on the sidewalk.
The only thing harder than getting my kids dressed to go out in the cold weather is sticking with this new workout routine!
Is getting them undressed fast enough to go to the bathroom before they have an accident because they said no the first five times you asked if they had to go.
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is doing it 3 times (because your kids had to take a crap once dressed).
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is being told they need the potty and repeating the whole process all over again!!!
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is childbirth….
We have gotten so much snow this year that the kids want to go outside all the time. My 15 month old son screams to go out and hates every aspect of getting a coat on let alone snowpants, mittens, a hat, boots etc… then get him all changed to find out in this process he may have pooped! NIGHTMARE! then he gets out and can barely walk and falls on his face through the snow while cute for a bit his face looks like a tomato! My eldest child who is seven is now screaming because she can’t get her gloves on and they keep falling off and she can’t get her fingers in the glove…yep its torturous….like childbirth without the cute new baby at the end.
Getting yourself dressed to go outside for winter, and realizing YOU have to go to the bathroom…
…getting them undressed when you come back in.
Pinned on Pinterest, as well – second entry.
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is keeping their gloves on once we are outside!
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is being stuck inside all winter long!
also, pinned. 🙂
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is getting my husband to sort the laundry the way I want him to.
The only thing harder than getting kids dresses to go outside is to leave for an appointment when they are clinging to you saying “momma don’t go!” And crying hysterically.
…keeping a toddler dressed and happy (and not by kicking other people’s seats?!!) on an airplane.
The only thing harder than getting kids dressed to go out in the winter is getting them undressed to change diapers
Convincingd myself we need to leave
… summoning the energy to even think of doing such a thing.