Funny thing happened when I announced I was quitting advertising to focus on Mommy Shorts full time— I got a call from a company asking me to do their advertising.
Not freelancing for an agency creating the advertising, actually working directly with the company. Kind of like Mommy Shorts was the agency.
Did I want to do that? Initially, I wasn’t sure.
But then… I really liked the brand (it’s a much needed line of over-the-counter remedies designed specifically for pregnant women called healthy mama)… AND I figured out a way to include all of you guys!
Here’s the deal.
I created three healthy mama print ads (they’ll be running in magazines like Fit Pregnancy and Pregnancy & Newborn starting in April) and now…
They’re offering up $750 to the Mommy Shorts reader who comes up with the next headline in the campaign.
I told healthy mama my readers are smarter and funnier than I am, so don’t disappoint!
Here’s the brief (that’s what we call it in the ad world)…
Remember when you were pregnant and got that crazy back ache in the beginning of your third trimester? You googled “what can I take for a back ache while pregnant” but that sent you to a community board on Baby Center with random unqualified people giving varying misinformation about drug ingredients you couldn’t even pronounce, right?
Well, healthy mama is trying to change all that. They’re on a mission to create a prenatal category you can easily find on one shelf. They’ve just launched a new line of over-the-counter remedies specifically designed to be the safest* for pregnant and nursing women. The products tackle common pregnancy symptoms like heartburn, lack of sleep, pain relief, nausea and constipation— but with fun names like “Tame the Flame”, “Move it Along” and “Shake that Ache”.
Because even if the sight of salmon makes you want to hurl on your cankles, this is still a happy time, right???
Healthy mama is backed by the American Pregnancy Association, FDA accepted and made in the USA. It’s currently being sold at, Buy Buy Baby, and coming soon to
Pregnancy might be beautiful but it is definitely not without it’s unfavorable side effects. From exhaustion to stretch marks to nosy comments from strangers. The healthy mama campaign aims to open up an honest dialogue about what women go through while they are expecting, giving moms-to-be a reason to laugh at their circumstances together.
(I wrote that myself. Don’t I sound official?)
I am reaching out to all my readers to come up with the next headline in the healthy mama campaign. Please follow the structure of the headlines already created (i.e. “We can’t ______________________ but we can help you deal with almost everything else.”)
Use your personal experience and go as far out there as you would like. We want the headlines to be funny, honest, and relatable.
As an example, here’s a fourth headline I REALLY want healthy mama to run:
1) You must be a healthy mama facebook fan to enter. You can “like” their page by clicking here.
2) Leave your healthy mama headline in the comment section below. You can enter a maximum of three times.
If you’d like to promote on twitter, facebook, pinterest or instagram, it won’t help your chances but we’d appreciate it! Please use #healthymamaheadlines.
I’ll be posting some of my favorite headlines next week and the winners will be announced on April 2, 2014. You must enter by April 1, 2014 at 6pm ET. The winners will be selected by both myself and healthy mama based on which headline we would like to use in the ad campaign.
For the official contest rules and regulations, click here.
• $750 Visa Gift Card plus the chance to have your headline appear in a nationally run print and digital campaign
• healthy mama products valued at $100
• 1 Diono RadianRXT Car Seat ($350)
• $100 Visa Gift Card
• healthy mama products valued at $75
• $50 Visa Gift Card
• healthy mama products valued at $50
Thanks to everyone for being part of my advertising team. And a big thanks to healthy mama for trusting me to do this!
This post was sponsored by healthy mama. That was pretty obvious, I think. I’m very excited to be working with them!
* No medication is considered 100% safe during pregnancy and nursing.
We can’t stop the insomnia but we can keep you company!
We can’t stop people from constantly annoying you with everything they do, but we can help you with everything else.
we cant stop you’re dribbling from giggling
We can’t turn your outie belly button back into an innie, but we can help you deal with almost everything else.
We can’t help your sex life but we can help with almost everything else.
We can’t tell your husband that sex is NOT happening tonight, but we can help you with everything else.
We can’t stop your husband from wearing cologne that makes you want to puke, but we can help you with everything else.
We can’t push your hemorrhoids back in for you, but we can help you deal with everything else.
We can’t remind you what your lower half looks
Like but we can help you with everything else…
We can’t help your hormonal emotional roller coaster mood swings but we can help with almost everything else.
We can’t help the fact that your vulva has blown up like a marshmallow peep in the microwave…
We can’t tell you where your growing roadmap of stretch marks will end… But we can help you with everything else.
We can’t make your bladder bigger than a walnut, but we can help you deal with almost everything else
We can stop the “So any baby yet?” phone calls but we can help with just about everything else
We can’t teach your husband to paint your toenails, but we can help with everything else.
We can’t make your husband any quieter, but we can help you deal with almost everything else!
We can’t keep that belly button in for you, but we can help you deal with almost everything else.
We can’t stop your fetus from hiccupping all night but we can help you deal with almost everything else.
We can’t make the doctor stop referring to you as two people but we can help you deal with almost anything else.
We can’t stop your shoes from shrinking, but we can help you deal with everything else.
We can’t help you reach your shoelaces… But we can help you with everything else.
We can’t stop people from asking if you’ve always been this big, but we can help you with everything else.
We can’t help your down there From looking like an alien crop circle, but we can help you with everything else!
We can’t tie your shoes for you when you can’t reach them, but we can help with almost everything else.
We can’t open an In & Out Burger in Michigan, but we can help you deal with almost anything else.
We can’t hurt the old man who asked if you swallowed a watermelon,but we can help you deal with almost everything else.
We can’t turn your pregnancy sweats into pregnancy glow, but we can help you with everything else.
“We can’t help you suck it in so you can shave your legs, but we can help you deal with almost everything else.”
We can’t tell if your water broke or if you peed yourself again, but we can help you with almost everything else!
We can’t stop your water from breaking all over your shoes but…
We can’t help you dig your way out of 20 body pillows that surround you in bed, but we can help you deal with almost everything else
We can’t stop the waddle, but we can help you deal with everything else.
We can’t stop the skinny lady who works down the hall from you from asking why you have put on so much weight, but we can help you deal with almost anything else!
We can’t get you pregnant but we can help you deal with almost everything else.
We can’t stop people from giving you endless unsolicited advice but we can help you deal with almost anything else.
We can’t give you sleep once the baby is here but we can help you deal with almost everything else.
We can’t help you reach the center of your windshield to clean off the snow, but we can help with everything else.
We can’t help you lasso on your socks, but we can help with everything else.
We can’t prevent you from smacking your toddler in the head with your belly (or losing them entirely under it), but we can help with everything else.
We can’t change the numbers on the scale but we can help you with almost everything else!
We can’t prevent you from getting Gestational Diabetes and then drinking a galon of water a day because the diabetes makes feel like you’re going to due of thirst and then have to pee every 1/2 hour because of the water and baby crushing your bladder – a vicious cycle, but we can help you deal with almost everything else.
We can’t blame your farts/gas on the dog, but we can help you deal with almost everything else.
We can’t re-organize the garage for you as you “nest,” but we can help you deal with almost everything else.
We can’t make those Uggs/Crocs/flip-flops work with that outfit, but we can help you deal with almost everything else.
We can’t stop you from wanting to buy everything for baby, but we can help you deal with almost everything else .
We can’t stop people from telling you that “you’ll just know” when you feel a contraction, but we can help with everything else.
We can’t force your spouse to rub your feet, but we can help with almost everything else.
we cant help your pelvis stop separating…
We can’t shrink your vajiggle jaggle back from the size of two swollen twinkies but we can help with almost everything else.
(ok that is THE worst.)
We can’t guide your hand while you try to blindly shave your vagina, but we can help you deal with almost everything else
We can’t stop the “Just wait until…” stories but we can help you enjoy Today!
We can’t stop your flatulence problem but we can help you deal with almost anything else.
We can’t get your husband to deliver but we can help with almost everything else
We can’t help you put your socks on, but we can help with everything else
We can’t make your first born take a nap, but we can help with almost everything else.
We can’t help you from having gas all the time, I mean all of the time, but
We can’t erase the dark line from your belly…
We can’t get them to acknowledge the fact that 40 weeks is actually 10 months…
We can’t make the scale max out at a 60 lb weight gain…
We can’t keep you from straining for an hour just for one lousy little rabbit turd but…Oh wait, yes we can!
We cant stop the skinny lady who works down the hall from you asking why you have put on so much weight, but we can help you deal with almost anything else!
We can’t help you explain to your husband what lightning crotch feels like, but we can help you deal with almost anything else.
We can’t tie your shoes for you but we can help with almost everything else.
We can’t help you when your chest looks like a tire pump was used to blow you up and if you are touched might explode but we can help you deal with almost everything else.
“We can’t rock you to sleep when you have insomnia, but we can help you deal with almost everything else.”
We can’t slap all those people who treat your tummy like public property, but we can help you deal with almost everything else.
We can’t make your husband stop making obnoxious noises while eating, but we can help you deal with almost anything else.
We can’t punch your sister-in-law every time she calls you a whale but we can help you deal with almost everything else
We can’t stop the…wait, what did you say? I can’t remember anything!
We can’t help you shave yourlegs but we can help with almost everything else
We can’t make that juice spritzer taste like Chardonnay, but we can help you with everything else.
We can’t stop you from crying at every commercial…
We can’t put your belly button back in…
We can’t make weigh-ins any less mortifying…
We cant stop your OB from telling you that you can no longer have sex except for oral (turns red in the face), but we can help you deal with almost anything else!
We can’t help you decide whether to get drugs or not during labor, but we can help you decide before with everything else.
We can’t stop the “how magical pregnancy is” stories while you wait patiently to find the unicorns shoot out of your butt, but we can help you deal with almost everything else.
We can’t stop your little miracle from giving you hemmroids, but we can help you deal with almost everything else
We can’t make A Baby Story on TLC any less emotional for you but we can help with everything else.
We can’t improve your sex drive, but we can help with almost everything else
We can’t stop your husband from annoying you, but we can help you with everything else.
We can’t pee for you 5 times a night but we can help you deal with almost everything else
We can’t help you from tossing and turning all night long and having your husband complain he can’t sleep…
We can’t keep you from gagging every time you catch a wiff of seafood, or perfume, or soap…but we can help with almost everything else.
We can’t help you time-trip 9 months forward, but we can help you deal with almost everything else.
We can’t stop the total strangers from trying to pet your stomach, but we can help you deal with almost everything else.
We can’t carry that bowling ball of a baby for you, but we can help you with everything else.
We can’t stop several other people, other than your significant other, from fondling your va-jay-jay when pregnant, but we can help you with almost anything else!
We can’t shrink your nipples, but we can help you with almost everything else.
“We can’t make your, well meaning, friends from giving you unsolicited advice on natural birth and breast feeding, but we can help you deal with almost everything else.”
We can’t promise that you won’t pee on yourself at every gyno visit but we can help you with everything else
We can’t stop your 3 a.m. cravings for Chinese food, but we can help with almost everything else!
We can’t help you off the floor when you get stuck, but we can help you deal with almost everything else.
We can’t stop people from telling you to “enjoy every second!” but we can help you with almost everything else
We can’t help you paint your toenails, but we can help you deal with almost anything else.
We can’t stop your belly from getting hairier than a monkey’s butt, but we can help you with everything else.
We cant keep your husband from passing out during delivery but we can help with almost eveything else
We can’t give you an epidural but we can help you deal with almost everything else.
We can’t hurt the old man who asked if you swallowed a watermelon,but we can help you deal with almost
everything else.
We can’t guarantee me when your baby will arrive, but we can help with everything else.
We can’t make maternity pants chic, but we can help you deal with almost everything else.
We can’t convince your husband to chew any quieter but we can help you deal with almost everything else
We can’t trip the fat lady that said “wow you’re really big, even for having twins” but we can help with almost anything else 🙂
We can’t help that you can’t see to shave your nether regions but…
We can’t promise you’ll keep your new boobs, but we can help you deal with almost
everything else.
We can’t force your husband to rub your feet every night, but we can help you deal with almost everything else.
We can’t keep the outhouse door shut as your 1 year old keeps kicking it open as you had no where else to stop and pee and there is no lock, on a road trip, but we can help you deal with almost everything else.”)
“We can’t make stop your best friend from insisting on checking your cervix herself while you are nearing the end of your pregnancy, but we can help you deal with almost everything else.”
We can’t get the scale to lie at you when you weigh in, but we can help you deal with almost everything else.
We can’t stop people from looking shocked when you tell them you actually have four more months to go but we can help you with almost everything else.
HAHA This one is great