Mazzy has been singing the Frozen songs non-stop. She knows three of them by heart— "Do You Want to Build a Snowman", "Let It Go", and "Reprise of For the First Time in Forever". That's the one in the ice castle which is mainly dialogue and yes, Mazzy does ALL the dialogue. By herself.
I find the whole thing adorable, and the memorization INCREDIBLE, but it's not like she's the next Shirley Temple or anything. I caught them all on video but I've been debating whether to share them with you.
While I think about it, I'm gonna post a video of a family who has the Frozen thing DOWN. Sure, they skirt the singing issue by lip syncing the whole thing, but this is seriously the best lip syncing I've ever seen.
Best part?
The kid in the back seat who doesn't seem to have a clue her parents are hamming it up in the front. Either that or her parents do this kind of thing all the time and it's just a regular drive in the family car.
Probably the latter. How else would they have gotten so good??
Thanks to BK for telling me about this video. If you've got a tip, just post it on the Mommy Shorts facebook page.
Ha! Love the daughter in the back is totally oblivious!
Wear a seatbelt, lady! lol
Downside…Mom’s not wearing her seatbelt properly. Baaaaaaaaaaad role model.
Someone said on facebook that they think she has the seatbelt on but took the shoulder strap off for the video. I think they might be right. It looks like the bottom of her seatbelt is on.
Damn, they’re good! My husband and I do this all the time, but our kids are 11, 10, & 9, so they roll their eyes and look back down at their ipods because their parents are so embarrassing and LAME! And, we’re not lip synching Disney–Bohemian Rhapsody is one of our favorites!
That is so cute! I wish my mom and dad are like that!
When that little girl yawned in the back seat I cackled out loud! She’s like “ok guys I’m so tired of this” ! They are good!
I love this. Their faces at the end crack me up.
If I asked my husband to do something like this, he would think I was crazy. Haha.
Awesome! I’m thinking they’ve done this a million times and that volume must be low in the van but somehow enhanced enough to be heard in the video because no matter how many times I play any of the Frozen tunes, my toddler is singing along. There is no oblivion–unless she cannot hear it. Regardless, these guys got it down–no doubt from countless repetition at the mercy of their little girl!
So fun! Everytime I sing along with Frozen my 4 year old tells me to stop so he can be the one to sing. It is so amazing to hear him learn all the words to so many songs.
Dude keeps closing his eyes while he sings. Watch the road, Dad!
Look what I just found … the “real story” behind the video you shared in your blog. Hilarious!
I love the ending. Those are the faces of parents who have absolutely seen/heard that movie/song waaaay too many times lol