Giveaway: Lily Jade Diaper Bag
When I had my first baby, I thought I would have a baby forever. I decorated a nursery, got all the requisite baby gear, bought a plethora of chewable toys, all with only a newborn in mind. In the beginning stages of motherhood, time passes slowly. Clothes for a nine month old seem like a lifetime away. We actually put them in storage; nine months with our brand new baby being more time than we could possibly comprehend.
With my second kid, I felt differently. I understood the passage of time. I knew how quickly it all went and debated even pulling out the playtime activity mat when I knew Harlow would be mobile before I could blink.
It’s with your second kid that a lot of the toys and gear start to seem a bit silly. We spent so much money on Mazzy’s bassinet (used for exactly three months) and then we didn’t even use it for Harlow. We took it apart, put it in storage and then couldn’t find a leg when we took it back out.
Money down the drain.
Over the years, we have gone through countless diaper bags, mainly because people keep sending them to me, and I have a pretty good handle on what will go used and unused.
The bags with the most longevity?
They aren’t the ones with the most pockets or the cleverest bottle holder— they are the ones that double as a bag I can use for work.
You know, incognito diaper bags.
Lily Jade makes diaper bags that don’t look like diaper bags. They don’t come in crazy quilted patterns that no person outside of a mom with a tiny human pooping machine would ever deem acceptable to carry. They come in solid colors and high quality leathers and fabrics. All of the pockets and elastic compartments are on the inside instead of the outside, so it never looks like you are carrying around a portable changing table when you are child-free on your way to work. It also doesn’t look like you are carrying around a diaper bag when your kids are clearly way beyond diapers.
(Not that Harlow is beyond diapers. Yet.)
In fact, in all of the Lily Jade bags, the diaper bag pockets exist in a separate washable canvas insert that you can easily remove. They call it the “Baby Bag Organizer“.
This is handy for three reasons:
1) You can put everything you need to service your babies in the organizer insert (bottles, snack trappers, crayons, diapers, pacifiers, etc.) and then remove it, put it in your coat closet fully stocked, use the outer bag for work like a normal human being and then stick the insert back in the next time you are on-the-go with your kids.
2) How many times have you transferred everything to a different bag only to leave the house and realize, “Oh crap! I left the pacifier in the outside side pocket!” With the Lily Jade Baby Bag, you can put the insert inside any tote, gym bag, travel bag you please without worrying you left something behind. This is especially useful when Grandma is watching your kiddos for the day.
3) Once your kids have grown and you no longer need all the crazy compartments that are necessary for baby stuff, you can remove the Baby Bag and never put it back. Then you have a regular bag that you can use until you are old and gray.
My favorite Lily Jade bag is the Caroline. It’s large enough to fit my laptop when the “Baby Bag” isn’t inside. It’s a great quality leather, has a few zippered pockets built right into the bag for easy access and it comes in a striking red that looks great with my mostly all-black attire.
Now that my kids are both out of their spit-up phase, I no longer worry about wearing black.
I’ve had the Lily Jade Caroline for over a year now and I’ve seen how my use of it has changed. In the beginning, I used the “Baby Bag” daily and now I find that even when I travel with Harlow, I just use the regular bag. I don’t need to take as much stuff around with me as I did when she was little.
Oh my god, did I just say Harlow isn’t little???
She’s still little. She just doesn’t need the paci compartment anymore.
Today I’m giving away one Lily Jade bag of your choice. Just visit the Lily Jade site, tell me which bag is your favorite and what’s the funniest kid-related item you have ever found in your bag when you weren’t with your kids.
For instance, Harlow once stole a friend’s TV remote by slipping it in my bag when I wasn’t looking. She also stole a plastic hot dog but that’s a whole other story.
As a special promotion for Mommy Shorts readers, when you buy one diaper bag on sale, you can purchase an EXTRA Baby Bag (every diaper bag already comes with a Baby Bag included) for just $20 (it’s a great gift for a friend or as an extra organizer for your car) using code MOMSHORTS20. Discount ends January 5th, 2015. Also, their popular Elizabeth bags in Camel Outlet are on sale right now reduced from $295 to $255.
GIVEAWAY: One Lily Jade Bag of winner’s Choice (up to $250 value)
1) Check out the bags on Lily Jade and leave a comment answering the following question:
Which Lily Jade bag is your favorite and what’s the funniest kid-related item you have ever found in your bag when you weren’t with your kids?
2) For a second entry, follow @lilyjade on twitter and tweet the following:
I just entered to win a @LilyJadeCo diaper bag via @mommyshorts!
Winner will be announced on December 19th.
You can find the full rules here.
Good luck!
WINNER UPDATE: Congratulations to Teresa! She was randomly selected to win the Lily Jade bag of her choice. Teresa, who once lost and found her fave necklace at the bottom of her bag after it was missing for over a year, thinks the Elizabeth Red Bag in Canvas “is EVERYTHING”. Please contact to claim your prize!
This post was sponsored by Lily Jade, but all thoughts and opinions are my own.
All photos were taken by Karilyn Sanders.
I remember when my little one was 1-1/2, I once found a head less gummy bear in my bag that was as hard as a rock! I was more surprise she did not just pop the whole thing in the mouth, instead, she had a little taste of what I told her “yucky, don’t eat it”. I guess you can’t fool them.
Oh, and I love the “Caroline in Red “. Such a happy color…
I love the Anna in Gunmetal! I once found a Christmas ornament in my diaper bag…. In May!
The Caroline in Brandy is definitely my favorite!
My oldest has a “paint book” where you use a paintbrush filled with water and the paper will change colors when wet. On my way to work one day I pulled my keys out of my purse and found everything was wet. She’d dropped the paintbrush in my purse (that I stupidly store at her feet in the car) the night before on the drive home and it had leaked all over everything.
Love the red one you are carrying!!
Love the Anna in gunmetal! I Once found a plastic toy nasal aspirator for a baby doll in my bag not to be confused with a real nasal aspirator 🙂 lol
ILove the Caroline in Brandy. Recentlh found a dirty diaper in purse and I Really can not remember when that could have happened
Love Madeline in red! Well I recently went to a restaurant with a baby bib stuck to my sweater. This was on a road trip and I looked in the mirror thinking wow, I look good for being in the car for 16 hours. Then I saw the bib stuck to my butt. Lol!
As for a baby related item in my bag, I pulled out nipple cream instead of hand lotion for my friend one day. Oops!
I love the Sarah Grace Silver!
What have I found in my purse – toy cars, a half eaten cereal bar, the calculator my 2 year old uses for a “phone”. It’s always an adventure when I look in my purse!
i LOVE the Caroline in Brandy!
I really love the Caroline! I find half eaten food in my bag all the time. Graham crackers, goldfish, breakfast bars. I always find them in the bottom of my bag with a little nibble taken out of them.
I love the Anna in Gunmetal!!! – I found a plastic Minion with a sombrero in my Kate Spade clutch (my toddler’s favorite purse of mine – of course!)
I love the Caroline in pretty much every color! Brandy would be my favorite. I have two littles and the funniest/worst thing I found in my bag when not with the kids was a diaper (used) that I tossed in to throw away later since I wasn’t around a garbage…oops.
Tweeted the giveaway:
Caroline in Black, I found a piece of a pancake in my bag. I guess Kayleigh was saving it for later.
Love the Caroline in Red – looks even better in your photos than on the website 🙂 And a few weeks ago I found some dog treats in my bag, that definitely weren’t put there by the dog…
The Elizabeth bag looks fabulous! I find random toy parts, snacks, and socks in my bag!
I love the Caroline in Black. Frequently, I find puzzle pieces in my bag and they aren’t from a puzzle that we take with us.
Oooooo I love the Caroline in Brandy! A spoonful of mac-n-cheese is always fun to find when you go to pull out your wallet! Ugh!!
I love love love the Madeline in Brandy. Not only gorgeous, but totally functional. I once found a dirty diaper in my bag. And by once I mean at least 5 times.
My favorite bag from there would probably also be the Caroline, but in black. And the funniest thing I’ve found due to Aaron when he’s not around is either food or toy cars in my pockets.
My favorite is the Caroline in black. I once found one of those plastic easter eggs in my bag.
Caroline in black….drool.
Funny kid item found in my bag when I was without the kid? Panties. She was “helping” me pack earlier in the day and was excitedly throwing items in the suitcase, a backpack and apparently my purse. Made paying at Walgreens later a bit more interesting.
I love the Caroline in black! Pacifiers, rattles, bibs, burp cloths you name it. I recently found a onesie from a shopping excursion diaper explosion. YUCK.
I would only use this as a camera bag, so I’m not entering to win it- better someone wins who actually has need for it as a diaper bag.
BUT I do have a diaper bag found items story. I used to work at a natural parenting boutique (the kind of place that sold cloth diapers, nursing items, natural mama care products, etc) and we had a “diaper bag parking” near the front counter. You could drop your bag and not worry about it while you browsed. People who worked there would also leave their bags in the parking. Every so often you would get moms who would send their older children to put something in their diaper bag for them. But it turns out that small children, like 5 year olds, are not good at remembering which bag is their mom’s. And that’s how we also ended up starting lost and found.
I would go home and empty out my bag from the day and would sometimes find items that were not ours. Lovies, dirty cloth diapers, pacis, all kinds of things. One time I found a single shoe and when I went to put it in lost and found two days later found out that another employee had the other one. It belonged to neither of our children and we don’t know how they ended up in separate bags. So that was the weirdest thing…half a pair of shoes.
Love, love, love the Anna in Gunmetal! Usually, it isn’t just one thing….and it always happens to be my work bag. This week, I found a binky, tiny mittens and a matchbox car that S found someplace random. And does the peanut butter on my suit jacket count!?
I love the Caroline in Black!
And the funniest/grossest thing I’ve found in my bag was chewed up and spit out fruit snacks. I went in to grab my wallet at the checkout line and in return got a handful of sticky and wet grossness. I don’t know how or when my then two year old did it, but the young girl at the register looked at me like I had three heads. And probably was relieved when I swiped my card instead of handing her cash. I confronted my toddler when I got home, and she gave me the old “What’s that?” routine, acting like she had no clue how they got there.
I LOOOOOVE the Cailin in Royal Purple!
I’m just getting out of the phase where I have to bring a diaper bag everywhere we go, but I definitely keep some toy rings and snacks in my purse just in case!
Anna in black! ooo purple lining!
I once found two little socks in my bag, but not a match. two different socks. Perhaps my bag is where all missing socks end up?
The Anna in Gunmetal! To die for!
And, I use my purse for a diaper bag these days the diaper bag we have is completely useless. So, even without the baby in tow I’m finding socks, diapers, etc.
My most random thing??? A baggie of formula! It looks a little odd when you’re pulling that out of your purse in front of the sales clerk!
I love the Caroline in any color !! I have 3 kids 8, 5 and 3 and I’m just getting out of the frumpy diaper bag stage! But I still need to haul around their junk (apparently) lol
The funniest thing I actually ever pulled out in front of people was a naked barbie, with her shoes on, and a child given chopped hair cut!
I love the Madeline in Black. My little dude is just leaving the diaper stage, freeing me to go back to looking like a woman, not just a milk machine. In my office, we have a competition over the most random things one finds in her bag. I’ve won with a toddler toothbrush, blowdryer attachments and a can of spray paint.
Anna in Gunmetal is definitely my favorite! The funniest item I’ve found in my bag without my kids around…baby spoons and crunched up snacks. It’s pretty much a constant. The worst thing, is forgetting to throw away a dirty diaper you put in your bag to throw away later! 🙂
I really like the Caroline bag in black. I’m due with #2 and already starting to feel the same way as you. I think the funniest/grossest thing I’ve found in my bag is a dirty diaper 🙁
I love the Madeline in black.
My son has a crazy obsessions with phones. He once put my parents cordless phone in my work bag and I had no clue. We obviously searched all day and couldn’t find the phone. Later that day as I was running errands I passed my parents house and out of my purse I heard the phone ringing. I had a good laugh and returned the missing phone to my parents!
The Sarah Grace bag in Silver is beautiful!
I once found a pair of really nice gloves that were snatched from a department store. They must of been at eye level. I found them about 200 miles from where they were snatched and wasn’t planning on returning there anytime soon. So, I gave them as a gift. I did let them know that they were ‘hot’.
I love the Caroline in black! Once I was at a conference for work and fished a pair of Diego underpants and an old string cheese out of my bag.
love, love, love the Caroline in red! Funniest thing I found in my purse were the pieces of the Fisher Price medical kit…my boys were actually listening to me tell my husband I had a doctor appointment…I guess they thought they might come in handy!!
I love the Caroline in red. So pretty!!
And the funniest thing in my bag was also super gross. I took home the other half of my daughter’s sandwich she didn’t finish at the deli. And yeah forgot about it for about a week. So gross!!!!
Madeline in black! OMG is doubles as a book bag – when I’m carrying 8000 other things and a kid I can still take my bag!
Strangest thing? My credit cards taken methodically out of my wallet and put into a sippy cup (thankfully empty). Maybe she’s trying to tell me something….
Sarah Grace Gold is gorgeous! I found her umbilical clip and stump (that’s probably more gross than funny)
The Elizabeth in Camel.
My baby hasn’t reached the age of smuggling things in the diaper bag yet, but with her quick fingers and iron grip, I am certain it is coming.
My favorite bag is “caroline” im the brandy color. The one thing i found in my diaper bag was a seashell. This is not an uncommom item however we went to the beach 4 months prios to me finding this and my little guy was only 6 months old. I couldnt believe he snatched it out of the sand and pit it in my bag. Also so you dont think my diaper bag needs quarantined i usually clean it out at least twice a month depending on our travels.
Love the Caroline in brandy. Funniest item in my bag would be a rotten avocado. My niece loved avocados, and I was quite surprised had snuck one in my handbag about a week after a visit. I guess she wanted to make sure I was prepared if they dropped by.
I like the Anna in black. I once found a mysterious pile of colorful wax – turned out we had put a bunch of dry erase crayons in there and then left the bag in the car for hours on a sunny summer day. They had obviously melted.
I love the Caroline in red!! Once went looking for a pen, and pulled out an old french fry. My little one must have been saving a snack for later!
Caroline in black. I have found one dirty sock, a half eaten sucker, and a few random toy parts in my purse. My friend also recently found a tiny bear in her purse my daughter put there while she was visiting.
The Elizabeth in camel is gorgeous!
I have #2 due to arrive in May and have been looking to find something to fit items for my 4 year old and a new babe. My toddler once stuffed my clutch (which was in the diaper bag) with small figurine heads. No bodies, only heads. I made this discovery while searching for a piece of gum in front of my 4th grade class!
love the caroline in brandy! and i once pulled out a nursing nipple shield in mixed company while looking for something in a bag. there’s really no way to disguise that, but since it’s clear, silicone, and small, i just shoved it in my fist and back into the bag!
I’m pregnant with my third- wish I had known about these for 1and2! I love the Caroline in black! I found a baby bottle in my diaper bag… With my 2nd who never would take a bottle. I guess she packed it for her friends?!
The Anna in Black is my favorite. Hawthorne is only four months old, so I don’t find many crazy things yet, but a few weeks ago I discovered a Christmas ornament with an H on it in a pocket. I asked my husband where it came from, and it took him awhile to remember. Apparently it was a gift from my parents!
Caroline in Brandy is just perfect!
I was traveling for work and got to our conference site and found a half-drank bottle in my purse which had apparently been there for at least a few days. Unfortunately my bag isn’t as organized as the Lily Jade bags and items can creep to the bottom and go unnoticed.
The Elizabeth in Camel!
Once while walking to work I couldn’t figure out why my bag was so freaking heavy. I walk a mile to work which I usually do quickly and without much effort. This day I was getting genuinely winded from carrying my purse (which I have always doubled as a diaper bag). When I got to my office I tossed my bag on my desk and it made a really loud “Thud.” To my surprise my purse was full of large rocks. My twins must have filled it with rocks, where they got the rocks I have no idea since we live in a big city.
I really like the Caroline in Brandy. The weirdest thing I found—my son’s diaper cream! haha. I also followed lilyjade on twitter and tweeted the tweet that you put! Thanks!
I can’t decide between the Elizabeth and the Caroline. They are both adorable! Once I was digging for something in my bag at work and a container of puffs popped out and went everywhere in front of all my 20 something coworkers.
I love the Caroline! Finding a hot wheel car in my purse for the first time made me very proud to be a mommy, finding the extra pair of (clean, thank god!) Mickey underwear, not so much.
Love the Caroline!
My little sister Megan collects Rubber Ducks, and once I reached into my bag to get something and pulled out a duck dressed as a police officer.
I like the Caroline in red, but if I was actually trying to afford one for myself, I would probably go with the Anna in Gunmetal.
I once found a wadded up napkin with some goldfish crackers hidden inside in my purse. I have no idea how long they had been there, but I am pretty sure my son hid them there thinking he couldn’t possibly leave the church nursery without taking the last of his snack with him.
I LOVE the Caroline in Red! Once after visiting with an aunt & uncle I found a framed picture of my son in my bag. He swiped it off their picture shelf. I didn’t find it until I was home. 1.5 hours away.
A package of boogie wipes.
I LOVE the Caroline bag as well (in black)! I’ve reached into my purse and pulled out prescription butt cream (actually Nystatin which is for a type of diaper rash that is really a yeast infection) while presenting to a group of teachers at a training session. I was mortified and my face turned SO red!
Madeline in brandy is a great bag. My daughter hasn’t really swiped anything yet. Though finding the random open baby snack in my bag and eating it when in a pinch has happened.
Caroline in Black
A barbie head, My littlest like to pop them off and stick them on her finger like a finger puppet. Little weirdo ;o)
I love the Elizabeth in Camel! Besides the plethora of hotwheels and Thomas trains (I have all boys), I often find lego heads in my purse. No bodies…just heads. I suspect my 3 year old is secretly decapitating them!
The Sarah Grace in silver I scathing my eye!
Best kid item story: when my youngest was potty training recently, we went to a birthday party and she didn’t make it to the bathroom quite in time. Having no extra on me, I borrowed a pair from a party guest who was at the same stage. I washed them after the party and carried them in my bag for WEEKS, waiting to return them to their owner, but we seemed to never bump into each other. They lived in a baggy at the bottom of my bag so long I’d forget they were in there, and every time I needed something they’d inadvertently come out in the mix whenever I went rifling through my belongings. It looks super awkward to onlookers–like I’m preserving children’s undies and keeping them with me at all times! It was a relief to bump into the family and pass them back over where they belonged!
I like Madeline in brandy
Funniest thing I’ve found are my daughter’s socks in my work bag.
I tweeted
I love the Caroline in Black. My son dumped an entire bag of peanut butter sandwich pretzels in my work bag, which I did not discover until I headed into the courtroom on the day of a trial. Crumbs and dried peanut butter all over my file and papers!
I love the Caroline in black! The funniest thing that I found in my bag left from my son is acorns, rocks, stick, and of course toys! Munson love to collect things on walks and sneak them into the diaper bag and my purse!
I love the madeline in red or brandy. I find Easter eggs in the bottom of my bags all the time. Thats pretty common… On a trip one time I found my daughters sleep stuffed animal. The animal she cannot sleep without. So sweet of her but I spent hours worrying and upset that she wouldn’t sleep. Turns out she only gives me a hard time. Slept like an angel for my husband 🙂
I loveeeee the Elizabeth bag and the Camel color is perfection.
The best baby (I guess more toddler) thing I have found was actually in my coat pocket. I was on an overnight trip without my daughter and found a Little People princess (Snow White to be specific) in my jacket!
I LOVE the Madeline in Red. I wear a lot of black too, and that would pop.
I have a wallet that doubles as a clutch. It’s large enough to hold my money and my cell phone. I opened the change compartment once at the grocery store and found a chocolate chip cookie with a bite taken out of it. I guess my son wanted to find a safe place to keep his snack.
Love Sarah Grace in silver and I am always finding nursing pads… Everywhere!!
I love the Caroline in Black. It’s a beautiful bag. I am constantly finding odd things in my bag. I think the oddest thing I ever had in my bag was an extra pair of My Little Pony undies. Came in handy during the early potty training phases, but rather embarrassing to pull out in front of people when searching for my wallet!
I love the Madeline in Brandy.
My daughter is only one so she is mainly taking things out of my purse not putting random things in but I found a crusty bib in my purse while out with friends. Gross.
The Cailin Royal Purple!
I was in class during the middle of a final when my foot touched my bag and it started blasting old McDonald had a farm. I rush to see the cause of it thinking I left my laptop on when I find my son’s musical toy, some cars and a rattle. He definitely wanted to let me know he’ll always be around one way or another haha.
Caroline in brandy! gosh I keep drooling over these bags and the Internet knows it because it’s constantly teasing me with their ads! except do any of these really go with my hoodie and pjs attire?
I doubt it’s the funniest, but with a 3yo boy and a 4mo girl, I am mostly carrying around hot wheels. my girl doesn’t need much yet, but I have cars stashed everywhere – coat pockets, car doors, every bag I own – it’s endless. really hoping my girl gets into cars too 🙂
I’m feeling obsessed with the Sarah Grace Silver, and the Anna in Gunmetal! Partially due to the amazingly colorful insides. But i love that they’re far outside of my ‘norm’ of small bags. i hate carrying a diaper bag, even though we’re now potty trained. we always need snacks, spare clothes, and that damn sippy that always tips and spills! (If i’d not have lost the miracle 360 cup!!) Funniest thing I’ve pulled out of my purse – not that great, but about 5000 cars. or 10…but 5000. aaaalllll the red race cars, as my 3yo would say! 🙂
I love the Caroline in black. One time when leaving a play date, I found at least 10 Little People in my bag. I found them before we left, but my friend joked that she wished we had just taken them home with us because they had too many (me too, sister). We now have a running joke about it and try to leave Little People at each other’s houses!
I am OBSESSED with the Madeleine in Brandy.
I have found many, many interesting little trinkets in my bag – cars, pacifiers, etc. But I think my favorite find was a pair of tiny Buzz Lightyear underoos in my purse while out to dinner with friends 🙂
My favorite bag is the Madeline Red Canvas. I frequently find dog food or dog treats in my bag. My sneaky 16 month old likes to hide “dog cookies” for use at a later time and my bag is often his go-to hiding spot. He’s always looking out for his best puppy buddy.
Lightening McQueen undies! Gotta love potty training. The Caroline in Brandy is perfect!
I love the Caroline in Camel! I found a 3-week old half empty milk bottle shoved way down to the bottom. It was not at all funny, and I almost threw up in the diaper bag.
My little one is due in March but I can’t imagine what I’ll find someday after reading all of these funny comments. Would love the Caroline in Brandy to carry all of her things around in, though!
I have been on vacation with just my husband and pulled out binkies, extra socks and a baby tooth brush. How they made it into my bag, I still don’t know.
I forgot, I like the Caroline in black!
I love the Caroline in brandy.
I once found my 3 yr olds “diaper bag” inside mine where she had put snacks for later for her baby which happened to be some perishable items that she packed a day or two before. It was starting to smell when I found it.
I love the Madeline in black. Just last week I was searching for the butt paste. Much to my surprise, I found a salt shaker instead.
I love the Madeline in black for my two kids under two. I am always switching between my work bag and diaper bag and have unfortunately pulled out an unused breast pad once or twice out of my work bag
I love the Caroline in red that you’re carrying!
My funniest findin the diaper bag would have to be dog treats! I’m still not sure how they got put in there!
Caroline in black FTW
It’s usually bows and headbands and clips everywhere since she won’t keep them on her head but I keep trying! And then I have to pick it up and put it away after she rips it from her hair 🙁
The Madeline in Black because it could double as a work bag, like you mention. My work bag does need to be replaced because I have some pen scribbles on the outside of my work bag. Black would hide the scribbles, unlike my light gray blue bag.
Sometimes my husband picks me up from work and says “how about we go to XXX for dinner instead if cooking.?” So of course I have found colored menus in a random pocket of my work bag… days later.
However, I did once go to a meeting,I rummaged in my bag for a pen, found none, and ended up taking notes (under the table) with a Crayon wrapped in an Outback steakhouse label.
I love the Caroline in brandy! I’m constantly finding stray toys, diaper cremes whose lids have somehow opened, so my fingers get covered in diaper creme when I’m searching for something, and stray goldfish crackers (that my daughter doesn’t even eat!) in my bag.
I love the Lily Jade Sarah grace bag in gold. I really like the diaper insert too. I am a criminal defense trial attorney and mom of two, one newborn and a 3 year old, both girls! The funniest thing I found in my work bag that doubles as a diaper bag was a pair of Elsa underpants right next to my trial binder! My coworkers also know I will also always have snacks and have been known to dig in the bag for a baby wipe if they spill coffee on themselves. I also did an entire closing argument with a hello kitty sock in my suit jacket pocket. And yes, I won the case saving my client eight years in prison. I will probably start carrying the sock for luck from here on out.
I love the Caroline in black! I am always finding my son’s little board books in my purse.
These bags are GENIUS! I’ve been in the market for a better purse/mom-bag hybrid and LURVE the Caroline in burgundy. Late to a meeting, I quietly sneaked in, put down my bag, and treated my coworkers to a rousing medley from the baby einstein take along tunes my kid had dropped in there. If the room had been dim, we would have been treated with the accompanying light show.
I meant Caroline in BRANDY. It’s Friday. Must have wine on the brain…though a glass of brandy will do too!
Elizabeth in Camel… I’ve had my eye on that bag for an eternity. I find goldfish in every possible place in my bags. Sometimes I find snacks that I haven’t bought in there, too… I don’t ask questions.
They are all gorgeous but I LOVE the Caroline in Brandy. I switched to a basic purse about 5 months ago with my 2 year old but we have a new one on the way. Also, I usually have wet cheerios in my purse ALL THE TIME because her soppy leaks and I just have to throw everything in. I desperately need that bag AND organizer!
I love the Caroline bag too! I found Straw wrappers.
I love the black Caroline bag!!
I keep my purse out of my daughter’s reach most of the time, but when she gets her hands on it she always steals my wallet and takes all my cards out. One time she replaced them all with sticker covered pieces of paper. I couldn’t do much shopping with that.
I’m drawn to the Madeline in black.
An open apple sauce is always a nice surprise when I’m r for something in my (let’s be serious, her) bag. I also love finding a missing diaper.