Giveaway: Lily Jade Diaper Bag
When I had my first baby, I thought I would have a baby forever. I decorated a nursery, got all the requisite baby gear, bought a plethora of chewable toys, all with only a newborn in mind. In the beginning stages of motherhood, time passes slowly. Clothes for a nine month old seem like a lifetime away. We actually put them in storage; nine months with our brand new baby being more time than we could possibly comprehend.
With my second kid, I felt differently. I understood the passage of time. I knew how quickly it all went and debated even pulling out the playtime activity mat when I knew Harlow would be mobile before I could blink.
It’s with your second kid that a lot of the toys and gear start to seem a bit silly. We spent so much money on Mazzy’s bassinet (used for exactly three months) and then we didn’t even use it for Harlow. We took it apart, put it in storage and then couldn’t find a leg when we took it back out.
Money down the drain.
Over the years, we have gone through countless diaper bags, mainly because people keep sending them to me, and I have a pretty good handle on what will go used and unused.
The bags with the most longevity?
They aren’t the ones with the most pockets or the cleverest bottle holder— they are the ones that double as a bag I can use for work.
You know, incognito diaper bags.
Lily Jade makes diaper bags that don’t look like diaper bags. They don’t come in crazy quilted patterns that no person outside of a mom with a tiny human pooping machine would ever deem acceptable to carry. They come in solid colors and high quality leathers and fabrics. All of the pockets and elastic compartments are on the inside instead of the outside, so it never looks like you are carrying around a portable changing table when you are child-free on your way to work. It also doesn’t look like you are carrying around a diaper bag when your kids are clearly way beyond diapers.
(Not that Harlow is beyond diapers. Yet.)
In fact, in all of the Lily Jade bags, the diaper bag pockets exist in a separate washable canvas insert that you can easily remove. They call it the “Baby Bag Organizer“.
This is handy for three reasons:
1) You can put everything you need to service your babies in the organizer insert (bottles, snack trappers, crayons, diapers, pacifiers, etc.) and then remove it, put it in your coat closet fully stocked, use the outer bag for work like a normal human being and then stick the insert back in the next time you are on-the-go with your kids.
2) How many times have you transferred everything to a different bag only to leave the house and realize, “Oh crap! I left the pacifier in the outside side pocket!” With the Lily Jade Baby Bag, you can put the insert inside any tote, gym bag, travel bag you please without worrying you left something behind. This is especially useful when Grandma is watching your kiddos for the day.
3) Once your kids have grown and you no longer need all the crazy compartments that are necessary for baby stuff, you can remove the Baby Bag and never put it back. Then you have a regular bag that you can use until you are old and gray.
My favorite Lily Jade bag is the Caroline. It’s large enough to fit my laptop when the “Baby Bag” isn’t inside. It’s a great quality leather, has a few zippered pockets built right into the bag for easy access and it comes in a striking red that looks great with my mostly all-black attire.
Now that my kids are both out of their spit-up phase, I no longer worry about wearing black.
I’ve had the Lily Jade Caroline for over a year now and I’ve seen how my use of it has changed. In the beginning, I used the “Baby Bag” daily and now I find that even when I travel with Harlow, I just use the regular bag. I don’t need to take as much stuff around with me as I did when she was little.
Oh my god, did I just say Harlow isn’t little???
She’s still little. She just doesn’t need the paci compartment anymore.
Today I’m giving away one Lily Jade bag of your choice. Just visit the Lily Jade site, tell me which bag is your favorite and what’s the funniest kid-related item you have ever found in your bag when you weren’t with your kids.
For instance, Harlow once stole a friend’s TV remote by slipping it in my bag when I wasn’t looking. She also stole a plastic hot dog but that’s a whole other story.
As a special promotion for Mommy Shorts readers, when you buy one diaper bag on sale, you can purchase an EXTRA Baby Bag (every diaper bag already comes with a Baby Bag included) for just $20 (it’s a great gift for a friend or as an extra organizer for your car) using code MOMSHORTS20. Discount ends January 5th, 2015. Also, their popular Elizabeth bags in Camel Outlet are on sale right now reduced from $295 to $255.
GIVEAWAY: One Lily Jade Bag of winner’s Choice (up to $250 value)
1) Check out the bags on Lily Jade and leave a comment answering the following question:
Which Lily Jade bag is your favorite and what’s the funniest kid-related item you have ever found in your bag when you weren’t with your kids?
2) For a second entry, follow @lilyjade on twitter and tweet the following:
I just entered to win a @LilyJadeCo diaper bag via @mommyshorts!
Winner will be announced on December 19th.
You can find the full rules here.
Good luck!
WINNER UPDATE: Congratulations to Teresa! She was randomly selected to win the Lily Jade bag of her choice. Teresa, who once lost and found her fave necklace at the bottom of her bag after it was missing for over a year, thinks the Elizabeth Red Bag in Canvas “is EVERYTHING”. Please contact to claim your prize!
This post was sponsored by Lily Jade, but all thoughts and opinions are my own.
All photos were taken by Karilyn Sanders.
I love the Caroline in red….I could definitely use such a cute multi-purpose bag. The funniest thing I’ve ever found in my bag was the rubber door stopper wedge from playgroup in my bag…apparently my 20 month old wanted it ha
I love the Caroline in red! On more than one occasion I have pulled a pair of Elmo underpants out of my bag in mixed company.
I’m in love with the Sarah Grace in silver.
I was in an interview, and I reached into my bag to pull out a hard copy of my resume and references but instead, I grabbed a silicone basting brush lovingly put there by my two year old.
I love the Elizabeth bag in camel. So pretty. I was recently going through my bag before starting a trial (I’m a court reporter) and found some Connect 4 pieces in my laptop bag. I had to laugh.
My son put his “handy many” toy drill in my bag, I found it when I got to work nestled beside my computer. I laughed, then took a picture because it was just too cute.
I really love “the caroline” in red
Don’t have a baby. Want one of these bags.
Therefore, I should try to make a baby?
I love love love the Madeline in brandy!!! I have been dying for a lily jade bag for so long now!!!
Funniest thing, probably a very very ripe banana 🙁 forgot about it and it completely stunk up my bag!!!
The Cailin bag is really calling to me, but in reality, all of them are. My baby is 8 months old and I’m realllllly struggling with our current diaper bag so this would be amazing beyond belief.
Anna in black. My favorite find is the magnets – baby uses them for phones and I find them in my purse, in the crock pot, in the pots and pans and pretty much every where in my house. He’s very creative!
My favorite is the ELIZABETH RED CANVAS because it looks great, has a ‘hiker-like’ appeal to it and doubles as a backpack.
The funniest things I’ve found in my bag are coloring crayons, stickers, and wiki-stix (the best on-the-go toy, if you ask me). Those aren’t really all that funny on their own, but when you find them in your bag while at a work-function, pull them out and pass them around to a bunch of stuffy foresters/loggers, it is funny to watch them try to find the kid in them again.
I love the Elizabeth bag in camel!!
I love the Caroline in red. I have two boys that love playgrounds. Apparently they love playgrounds so much they wanted to take it home with us. Went out to a nice dinner and pulled out my wallet only to have mulch fall out all over the table.
I love the Caroline bag, in all the colors.
When my daughter was first potty trained and I still had to carry extra clothes with me in case of accidents, I would often just stick them in my purse rather than carry a diaper bag. Well I was at work one Monday and was digging in my purse for something and out came a pair of little kid underwear – oops!
I love the Elizabeth in camel! My son always shoves snacks, toys, and his cups into my bag whenever he thinks we are going somewhere or when he wants to leave to go somewhere!
I LOVE the Elizabeth in Camel & the Madeline in Black is a close second. I’ve found ‘issies” (pacis), fruit pouches & bottles even when she wasn’t around….
Elizabeth in Camel! AMAZING.
I found my 3-year-old son’s Superman underwear in my bag while in a work meeting. Definitely felt like a creep!
my kids are older.. but I still find things they put in my bag… like the lid to the pepper shaker the other day – apparently my purse is the best place to put things when you’re clearing the table and don’t know where they really belong. As for the bags… I love both the Anna and the Caroline!
I love the Caroline in Brandy. I once found a bag of clothes from a blow out…a few weeks later! Ugh!
I love the Caroline in brandy! The funniest thing I came across in my bag was a spare pair of underwear/shorts in my regular purse. We were potty training, and I guess I didn’t want to take the whole diaper bag and then forgot to unload as I usually do.
Elizabeth in Camel
Just the other day, I reached into my bag and pulled out my wallet only to have my son’s (thankfully clean) underwear roll out.
I love the Caroline bag in black!
This week I found a little dinosaur-shaped eraser in my bag.
My daughter is recently potty trained so now I used our old worn diaper bag to bring extra clothes…lots and lots of pants and underwear lol but with a new baby on the way in June I would LOVE a beautiful new bag that is way more stylish!… I love the Anna in Black… and the funniest thing I ever found in my bag was my daughters fav book wrapped up in a pair of her new princess underwear. ( As I was going to pull my wallet out to pay for a girls night out dinner.)
I love the red caroline you have been using! I am in DIRE need of a new diaper bag. The one I bought was a camel color, wasnt leather and you cant wash it. Needless to say, its gross by now!
I have found dried up grapes that had to be a few weeks old in a side compartment of the bag. GROSS
Favorite bag- either Caroline or Madeline in black. I once found a dog toy in my bag and it wasn’t from our dogs.
Totally the Elizabeth.
I got to work one day last week and found a Duplo flower in my purse. Didn’t really remember putting it there.
We also used to have to give G stickers in the morning for cooperating with the whole “getting dressed” thing. She would often share those stickers with me. And then hours later I would remember that they were on my shirt after having been on there all day. Awesome.
I love Caroline in red!
My 10 month old has recently discovered how to pull things out and put things in. So needless to say, I was trying to check out at Target the other day and my wallet was nowhere to be found! I did however find a baby shoe, a dog toy and a chewed up water bottle. Luckily I had a loose credit card in one of the side pockets so I avoided the embarrassment of having to put everything back…!
I like the Caroline in Brandy (love the red too, but I have a red bag). I would say the funniest thing I’ve found in my bag without the kids is a leftover peri-pad from the hospital! One day I decided to throw them in the car to keep on hand as ice packs for accidents at the playground (weird, I know). They didn’t make it into the car for a few weeks but hung around in my diaper bag! Luckily no one discovered them but they’re still in the car 🙂
I love the Caroline and the Elizabeth!
The better question would be, what haven’t I pulled out of my bag? It’s even funnier to pull stuff out of your coat pocket when you don’t have kids with you. I was once walking with a coworker and pulled a pacifier and a car out of my pocket.
I love the Elizabeth in Camel- mainly because it reminds me of a satchel I had in PK (pre-kid) times. As for things I’ve found, nothing too weird! Bundled up stickers, half chewed “presents” and the dry crumbs of whatever leaves or plants she picks up for her Papa on her walks 🙂
The Caroline bag in black is beautiful! I once found a handpainted ceramic easter egg in my bag, that my klepto daughter stole from her great-grandma. I had my phone on vibrate at dinner, and all the sudden it made this really loud sound. Opened my purse to find this purple easter egg. Apparently the hollow egg made the vibatation echo in some way. Now that I think about it, I’m not sure I ever returned the egg to Gigi…
Caroline in Red annnd…
I recently pulled a pair of Frozen panties out of my purse while at a big meeting at work. I will have to assume they were clean, but really, I don’t know lol.
Caroline in black. It seems like I always carry a garage full of Matchbox cars, miniature construction vehicles and monster trucks in my bag! No wonder my bag is so heavy all the time!
Love the Caroline in red. At least once I week, I find a dirty fork or spoon but the latest is a plastic parrot finger puppet. I have no idea where it came from!
I love the Elizabeth Red Canvas! The funniest kid related thing I’ve found in my bag was a stolen kiddie plastic high heel. One of my sons thought it’d be nice to take home or wanted me to have it perhaps? What is it with little boys and plastic high heels? Oh, that’s right-they’re FABULOUS!
I love the Elizabeth in Camel!! I think the strangest thing I found in my baby bag was a dog biscuit. My son went through a I love the dog’s food more than my own phase. I feel like for a few weeks I had dog food everywhere.
I like the Madeline in Camel!
I once found a turkey baster in my bag because my son was using it as a sword!!!
I am in love with the Caroline bag in black! And, the most horrifying/strange thing I ever found in my diaper bag was a used (very full!) (very old!) bra pad from my nursing days – I was so glad that I had found the mysterious cause for the terrible odor!
Tweeted! Name is spaceshot3000 (private joke). 🙂
i really like Madeline in brandy. I don’t remember what junk I have found in the bottom of my bag, it’s always full of junk. OK maybe I remember finding a almost month old piece of salami in there that a kid pulled out from their sandwich and handed to me while I was in the middle of doing 100 things.
The Elizabeth Red in Canvas is everything!!! I once lost and happily found my fave necklace in my bag. I took it off cause the babes were playing with it and didnt remember where (and looked for it) for almost a year!
I just love the convertible backpacks and cross bodies! Especially the Elizabeth Red Canvas. The funniest kid thing I’ve found is a random goldfish at the bottom of my bag or a juice box that I forgot about. Not very funny, but my kids don’t actually drop many things in there.
I like the Madeline in red and not just because it’s the baby’s middle name. I have found at one time half a dozen crayons, dismantled pens, a tiny coloring book, a squashed banana, a toy measuring tape, a sippy cup, 3 expired epi pens, and Sandra Boynton’s Hippos Go Berserk (which I think counts as 44 hippos). Oh, and an infinite number of crumbs.
I once (almost) paid for groceries with play money. I usually use the express line with the automated checkout and my bills weren’t been accepted. I take a closer look and they have My Little Pony pictures on them haha My daughter wanted to give me a gift for my birthday and she put play money in my purse to surprise me. She’s the sweetest thing lol My favorite bag is the Caroline in Black. The red lining on it is so pretty.
I tweeted!
I love the Sarah Grace in Gold!
Besides the kids jewelry I ALWAYS find in my bag – the strangest has been the dirty diaper I threw in a dog bag inside my bag and then forgot about until the next day at work – nice.
Caroline in black
Found my elf on the shelf in my purse
My favorite is Madeline in Brandy! The other day I found my daughter’s lego pig and sheep toy when I was pulling out my wallet at Target.
I adore the Elizabeth in Camel. Gorgeous and practical, and when you are the family pack mule it is nice to add those adjectives to the job description! I love when I find dirty diapers in my bag when I am out and about without the kids. Sometimes I ask my toddler to throw the wrapped up diapers away for me, but don’t always follow through on where he puts it! You would think I would learn after one or two of the those fun surprises!
i love the Caroline in black.
I was in a meeting for work once and needed a pen and ended up pulling out a batman action figure instead. Opps!
Following on LilyJadeCo on twitter and tweeted!
Caroline in red! Love love love it!! The funniest thing I’ve found in my bag…. I’d say it would have to be two sticks taped together with duct tape in the shape of a gun, a shoe, a dirty diaper or a pot holder. But really, none of those are funny. Just par for the course in motherhood.
One time the day after we went out for a family dinner I was out with my friends and someone needed a handwipe and when I reached in the bag I found 3 sets of restaurant silverware still wrapped in the cloth napkin, lol.
The Elizabeth is awesome. And I once accidentally pulled out a pair of my little girl’s emergency undies in my purse while in a work meeting. I felt like a total perv!
Anna in black is my style for a bag! Good for my daughter, work, and shopping. I’m a big bag person.
The funniest thing I found were the arm and hammer disposable bags for diapers. It was a small roll (almost gone) and I thought it was my Chapstick so I grabbed it. Tried to take off the cap and realized what it was. Hehe
I love the Elizabeth bag in Camel. I once found a pair of underwear in my bag. Dirty, adult, underwear. So, yeah, thanks for that kiddo…
Love this concept! Wish I knew about it soon. I like the Elizabeth in Camel!
I carried an Ariel doll head for the longest time without realizing it. My son’s beloved Ariel had a disastrous adventure in the washer and dryer and my purse was the only logical place to hide the evidence.
I love the Anna in Gunmetal. Love!
I’ve found sand from the sand box more times that I can count…
I love the madeline red canvas!
Today I found a pair of toddler socks in my pocket. I actually got them to use as mittens for my toddler since real toddler mittens never stay on his hands. So I have socks, that are to be used as mittens, in my coat pocket.
I like the Madeline in Brandy – so classy!
I so seldom carry my own purse that last time I did, I found a size two diaper in there. My youngest is now in size four!
I love the Caroline in Gold bag. I have been looking for something like these for 3 years.
My daughter somehow managed to fill every pocket of my purse with cheerios while I wasn’t looking. I was cleaning cheerios out of the nooks and crannies for days!
I’ve found rocks in my purse that my daughter put in there from going on walks, also leaves and twigs. I love the Caroline in black.
The funniest thing I have found in my bag was a little toy frog bath toy still filled with water. I am still unsure as to how that happened…..
My favorite Lily Jade bag is the Caroline in Black.
I really like the look of the Madeline Bag in black. It would really dress up my normally casual attire and looks like it would fit several cloth diapers and a wet bag.
The weirdest thing I’ve found in my purse is a wubanub and a very used burp cloth put there by me and forgotten by me (son is 4 months old).
I like the Anna in gunmetal too. Today I found 2 stowaway wrestling men in my purse.
I like the Caroline in Black. And I haven’t found anything weird in my bag yet- which I’m very happy about!
Definitely the Elizabeth in Camel. Seriously swooning over here! Funniest item in my bag when the kids aren’t around? Well, the sweetest to me are the little sets of My Little Pony stickers or tiny Frozen figurines. Funniest to other people are cups of rotten milk and dirty diapers (hardy har har).
LOVE the Cailin in Royal Purple! No baby yet, but I’ve definitely found dog treats lodged in my bag!
The Caroline in black!
I found a set of three headbands from a children’s store with tags still on that I know I didn’t buy!
My daughter also hid my husbands cell phone in my friends purse when she came over for dinner and she took it home. He had been out riding his four wheeler and thought he had dropped it somewhere out there and searched for it for over an hour. We called it several times and my friend finally heard the vibrations in her purse and brought it back over to us.
I love the Caroline in Red purse that you’re rockin’ in the photos!
In my purse, I recently found a toy ninja turtle (Leo to be exact) with an Angry Birds band-aid on his knee!
I love the Caroline in Brandy.
I find stuff in my purse ALL the time. Usually my stuff that my daughter decided didn’t belong wherever I had it. Most recently it was a stuffed unicorn keychain.
I would order the Madeline in red. And I am always finding little extras in my purse but the funniest is Teething Tablets and baby cold tablets. No, I am not a druggie and neither is my kid but when you are teething those tablets are the best!
Caroline in red. Baby’s only 8 weeks old so I don’t go out without him much yet…but the cat keeps taking the nipple shield OUT of the baby bag. Lovely to find in the middle of the floor when visitors are over!
the caroline, i’ve been eyeing it since i found out i was pregnant last christmas. my daughter is only 4 months old, so any weird things that end up in my bag with out her are things i put in there in my sleep deprived state.
on black friday i was at baby gap, went to grab my wallet and pulled out butt paste. you would think that at baby gap the people behind the counter would have kids, not on black friday. my cashier burst out laughing and exclaimed for the whole store, butt paste!? what is that and is it for you or your baby?
Love the Caroline bag in Brandy. I carry a smaller bag/purse when my kiddo (2 1/2) isn’t with me. It has a phone pocket on the outside so I usually just slide my phone in and head off to work. Recently I met a friend for lunch and opened my bag and in it was 6 pairs of my daughter’s sunglasses and a plastic card she uses as “money”…no wallet, no nothing. Luckily I was with a friend who covered me. Good thing I wasn’t stopped driving and needed my license!
Sarah Grace – Silver. There’s nothing like being asked to donate to an office party and when you reach in to grab your wallet, you accidentally pull out tiny toddler underwear. Never fails to completely crack people up.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Caroline in red!!! I can’t believe I didn’t know about these bags a year ago!! Must. Have.
I have shown up to work to find all the nasty surprises of parenthood in my purse from the day (or weekend) before – dirty diapers, formula/milk bottles and bibs, onesies or burp clothes soaked in puke, tied in a doggie poop bag.
Lately, its not what shows up in my purse that surprises me, its what goes missing! My girls have started to raid purses so things like my phone and wallet (and all the fun shiny plastic inside it) disappears and magically shows up in their toy box.
My favorite bag is Sarah Grace Gold. The oddest item my daughter has put in my bag is a jar of extra buttons from my sewing shelf.
Definitely the Madeline in Red! We have twin boys and the days of being able to carry a diaper bag and hold on to the two of them are almost over! Being able to use it as a backpack would be awesome!
And while not funny at the time- mushed up goldfish crackers (that Jack had eaten and decided he didn’t like!) would be the oddest thing I have found to date!
It’s got to be Anna in Gunmetal. I’m a silver junkie.
Strangest kid item in my bag? Very often it ends up being miscellaneous gravel from our driveway or the occasional stray fruit snack glued to the side of my wallet.
I once reached in my bag for a folder and pulled out the folder AND a lovey (blanket with satin edges) that was damp from being used as a teether. Fortunately no one in the meeting batted an eye.
I love love love the caroline in black.
I love the Caroline bag in brandy. The best/ worst thing I have found is 3 headless armless lego mini figures. I reached into my purse (while shopping without the boys-shocking!!) and with my wallet came the three dismembered lego men. Very creepy if you didn’t know I was a mom!!
Anna in Black
My baby is still little but I LOVE finding bottles with curdled milk that my husband has left behind!
I like the Elizabeth (for obvious reasons), and I’d say the most WTF thing my daughter has ever left in my pockets was several small chunks of cement. I think they’d broken off the sidewalk, but I’m not really sure.
Love the Anna in Gunmetal! I often pull kids underwear from my purse and one time a pacifier (my daughter was a total addict and we had them everywhere) was caught in my pant cuff and flew across the room as I walked into a meeting!
Caroline in Brandy. My recent random item was a candy cane that someone had sucked on and stored for later. When I asked my kids who put it there and where did it come from??? My daughter replied, I found it broken on the floor of the store, I wanted to save the rest for later.
Ooh, Caroline in Brandy is gorgeous. I’ve had a rubber spatula from my daughter’s play kitchen in my diaper bag for weeks. Not sure how it got in there, but I’m too lazy to dig it out.
I really like the Elizabeth bag in camel. I like that it looks like a regular satchel/briefcase style bag.
The weirdest thing is only weird because I managed to not notice it for nearly a week. One day I wondered why my regular purse was so heavy, only to realize my one year old’s shoe were in there.
I love th Caroline in black. And, I’m embarrassed to say, a dirty diaper. My in-laws don’t like having diapers thrown in their garbage so ill stash them until we leave. And, well, I have a horrible memory, so they don’t always make it to the trash when we get home.
I always love it when a spare pair of kiddo under ware are floating around my diaper bag…nothing like pulling those out with my wallet!
My fav is the Caroline in Brandy!
I love the Madeline in brandy. When we got to the car I found an anna wand of course. Frozen 24/7! Ran back in to return it!
The Caroline in red would look great with my black and white coat. I once found the following odd combination in my purse: a pair of toddler underwear, a ninja turtle action figure, and a spork.
Love the Caroline (in brandy). Lots of random kid items have found their way to my purse, but I always seem to have crayons, wipes, and the occasional fruit leather.
I love the Elizabeth in Camel! So cute and I could get some great use out of it! I almost don’t want to admit that I have found my daughter’s Disney Princess undies in there before (they were clean – at least that’s what I tell my self…)
I like the Caroline on black. I’ve found pacis, socks and once a sippy cup. There always seem to be little pink hairbows in my coat pockets.
The Cailin in Royal Purple is beautiful.
I have found and lost a variety of items in my bag. My son has a habit of putting toys from other people’s houses in the bag including plastic fruit and sippy cups. My daughter however had a habit of randomly pulling things out and throwing them in our recycling bin. Like my credit cards…. At least she was being environmentally conscious.
I love the Caroline in Brandy. It wasn’t in my bag, but once when my kids were toddlers I went to get my hair cut and the stylist found a gummy bear in my hair. So embarassing!
I like the Sarah Grace in gray. I’ve found entire Duplo structures in my cavernous diaper bag.