I looked at my editorial calendar last night to see if there was anything specific I was supposed to write for today and it says “Post About Mike”. That’s because January Me must have been super on my game about Father’s Day. But what to write? Something sappy? Something comical? Over the last five years, I feel like I’ve already written every permutation of a Father’s Day post.
So, I looked to my friends at Buzzfeed who churn out this stuff at the speed of light and thought… what would Buzzfeed write???
23 Potential Titles If Buzzzfeed Wrote a Father’s Day Post About My Husband:
1) 41 Things My Husband Says that Drive Me Absolutely Crazy
2) 137 Things My Husband Keeps in a Pile Next to the Bed
3) 29 Ways My Husband is Passive Aggressive When It Comes to Doing the Dishes
4) 19 Highly Questionable TV Shows My Husband Thinks are Acceptable to Watch in Front of the Children
5) 47 Times My Husband Has Accused Me of Overpacking
6) 23 Excuses My Husband Makes Not to Get Up with the Kids in the Morning or Put them to Bed at Night
7) 2 Times My Husband Has Actually Attempted to Brush Our Daughter’s Hair
8) 57 Times My Husband Has Told Me I’m Not Strict Enough When Disciplining the Kids and then Turns Around to Bribe Them with Ice Cream
9) 22 Times My Husband has Complained About a Business Trip that Sounds like Absolute Heaven to Me
10) 97 Times My Husband has Lost It Because I Left the TV On, Even Though It Looks Off to Me
11) 19 Shirts My Husband Has in His Closet that Look Exactly the Same
12) 24 Pairs of Boxers My Husband Should Just Throw in the Trash Already
13) 27 “Models” My Husband Follows on Instagram
14) 31 Remotes My Husband Claims are All Necessary for our Entirely Too Complicated Home Entertainment System
15) 431 Old Issues of Sports Illustrated My Husband has Saved from His Childhood Because He Has a Dream of One Day Hanging the Covers in Some Imaginary Man Cave
16) 22 Times I have Left Mike with the Kids and Returned to Find Him Napping While They are Destroying the House
17) 47 Really Important Errands My Husband Has to Run on the Weekends While I Figure Out What to Do with the Kids
18) 35 Sushi Rolls My Husband Ate After He was Already Full Because He Finds it Physically Impossible to Leave Sushi Uneaten on a Plate
19) 237 Evenings My Husband Has Given Me “The Look” When It Should Be Obvious I am Absolutely Exhausted
20) 149 Times My Husband has Asked Me If I Remembered to Shut the Kitchen Light Before I went to Bed
21) 67 Times My Husband has Complained that I’m on my Phone too Much While He is Also Playing on his Phone
22) 87 Times I’ve Thought Tonight is the Night We Will Finish Watching House of Cards Only to Find My Husband Watching Basketball
23) 1021 Reasons I Couldn’t Imagine Raising My Kids With Anyone But Him
Thank you, Mike for never caring when I make fun of you on the blog. Your ability to take a joke is my one of my favorite things about you and I’m fully aware you could write a much longer list about me.
Happy Father’s Day, Mr. Mommy Shorts!
What would Buzzfeed write about your husband?
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Yes, the tv! It looks off to me. Can’t you here the buzzing? No, I can’t! And that little light is orange when it’s off? Why is there any light on at all when it’s off? And how am I supposed to remember the color? And why does it take pushing a combination of three buttons and pointing the remote at a certain angle to turn everything off? And don’t get me started on turning the thing back on….
Hahaha! #15! My husband is constantly hoarding things for his ‘man cave’. Newsflash! We live in a tiny house! The man cave will NEVER happen!!
20 Hats My Husband Has in His Closet…Plus 5 in His Truck..and 2 More He Just Brought Home that are Sitting on the Bar in the Kitchen, (Half of Which are Camo)
1000+ Times My Husband has Left His Dishes/Trash on the Side Table by the Couch for Me to Pick Up, Even Though He Knows it Drives Me Crazy
999 Times My Husband Has Said “I’ll be home soon!” Only to Show Up 45 minutes (or More) later
12 Times This Month My Husband Forgot to do Something he Swore He Would Do
Lots of negative in mine. I swear he has good points too…
12 times he has told me to go get an hour to myself away from the kids before falling asleep on the sofa rendering it impossible to leave.
68 times he has tried to treat me by bringing home my favorite dessert when he listens to me missing wearing half my wardrobe due to still carrying the last bit of baby weight despite the baby being 19 months now. (64 times I have eaten it).
And #19.
Lol. Possibly we are married to the same guy!
Ha! The damn TV!! It’s off.
87 Times My Husband Has Said He’d Be Home Early From Work, Only to Get Home Later Than Normal
10 Times my Husband tried explaining to me how our home entertainment system works before giving up.
45 Times my Husband has giving our daughter way too many sweets, then complained that she won’t take a nap.
38 Times my Husband has allowed our daughter to skip her nap, then complained about her being cranky.
15 Time my Husband has refused to wear sunblock and has ended up with a sun burn.
#21 and of course #23 on your list 🙂
I am literally DEAD. You kill me, mommyshorts!
The SI issues. I mean… they pile up, tons of them. I don’t even think he reads them. I threw one in the recycling bin from 6 months ago and he saw it said “why is this in here? I haven’t even read it yet.”
THE SI’s!!! Not only does he keep every copy, his mom made him clear out the (every copy since 1976) copies he was storing in her basement….we have TRUNKS full of Sport’s Ilustrateds. And we’re not even saving them for the man cave. We are saving them “because they might be valuable some day.”
#10 made me literally laugh out loud. And #21? EVERY SINGLE DAY.
My post would be one of the following titles:
“48 times I hit my head on the kitchen cabinet my husband left open” or
“65 times my husband gave the kids bedtime snacks after I spent 20 minutes getting their teeth brushed”.
Or maybe it would be, “1,643 days I can’t imagine having anyone else be the father of my kiddos.” He’s really good at the job. 🙂
The 905 times my husband said he would be off his video games in a few minutes and he was still playing an hour later.
-67 Times I have found breakfast related items in the shower. Looking at you empty cereal bowl and spoon.
-124 Times my husband has acted overly dramatic while sick.
-28 Times my husband has begged me to go camping when he is fully aware that its below 40 degrees at night and our children will probably end up freezing to death
-4 Sticks of butter we go through a week because apparently toast isn’t toast unless it comes with heart failure
… you know usual husband stuff. Right?
Still waiting for the Mr. Mommy Shorts instagram….that would give you 24 things to write about!
-27. The number of things I have to check/do /turn off while my husband is laying in bed wondering where I am.
-6. The number of times in a week my husband is interrupted in the bathroom because he forgot to demand that everyone else go ‘try’ first.
-12. The number of times my son can climb on my husband’s back before he starts to get annoyed.
8. The number of times a day my husband asks for help finding something that’s right in front of his face.
2356. The number of receipts my husband has saved in a plastic grocery bag “filing system” that he might need later. No honey, I don’t plan on returning any of the groceries we got 6 years ago!
56 Things my husband pretends he doesn’t know how to do, so I’ll do them for him. (Even though he did them just fine two days ago)
I’ve just got to agree with #18, though! I’ve been in many sushi comas because I just can’t leave any on my plate. My eyes are bigger than my stomach most times, but when it comes to sushi, my eyes will win.
Ha!!! Last year my husband got deployed for the summer when they had the massive flooding in Escambia County (Florida). He whined about it mercilessly even though he got to watch all the TV he wanted, didn’t have to listen to sibling squabbles, never had anyone wake him up early in the morning, got to eat at Brazilian Steakhouses as often as he wanted AND never had to share his ice cream. Yeah. I think that was a lousy business trip for sure!
Yes #4! TV shows and movies! I am waiting for the day our 5 year old and 2 year old start asking some questions or saying/using inappropriate words.