This morning, Mazzy and I stepped out into the crisp morning air and Mazzy said, “Mom, is it fall?”
“You got one more day! Now, let’s run to the bus before we miss it!!!”
We turned the corner just as the city bus was pulling up. Pretty much our morning ritual at this point.
Mazzy and Harlow have been back in school for a little over a week. Summer dresses and sandals already seem inappropriate and cardigans are starting to make an appearance.
This isn’t a post about clothing though. It’s a post about all the things we did this summer that didn’t make the blog. I’m finding as time passes, it gets harder and harder to remember all the details unless you write them down. I need to record them here so I’ll be able to share them with my kids one day.
Let’s start with Mazzy and Gavin. Their relationship is still going strong although they no longer call eachother boyfriend and girlfriend.
Harlow is a big fan as well.
But she is also a big fan of Gavin’s little brother Luke, so that works out nicely.
We went to a carnival with the kids a few weeks ago and Mazzy and Gavin ran around like old pros. They weren’t afraid of any of the rides and went on everything where they met the size limit.
Gavin even won three goldfish at one of the games and gave one to Mazzy because she wasn’t as lucky.
(Sadly, this was taken three weeks ago and all three fish have since passed. Carnival fish rarely have a chance in this world.)
I took Mazzy on the swings even though they make me nauseous, because it’s the only way to see this smile up-close.
While Mazzy was away for a weekend with her dad, I took Harlow to an art festival in Water Mill.
The festival was odd and fabulous with so many interesting things to look at it and explore. Honestly, I think modern art might be best appreciated while experiencing it with a child.
This was the summer Mazzy learned how to swim. She can jump in the deep end, swim underwater and even play with Harlow while she’s in her floaties.
We still don’t let Mazzy swim without watching her, but this development has made the hugest difference in being able to relax by the pool.
Mazzy also started riding a bike on training wheels. I know people profess their love for balance bikes but my kids just never got into them. We tried.
Harlow made friends with a tarantula at a birthday party. Her name is Rosie. The girl loves anything with fur. She even helped the animal guy by carrying Rosie’s cage back to his car.
Harlow learned how to drive Luke’s car, which has an actual motor.
Unfortunately, she still has to use her feet to pedal at home.
Mike and I celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary on August 4th and each bought the other an Adirondack chair. Perfect gift, right?
We went out to our friend’s house in Montauk for a day and witnessed the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen in my life.
Mike bought Mazzy a pink set of clubs and started her on golf lessons.
If all goes Mike’s way, golf will pay for her college one day.
Although, if this video is any indication, it might be good to start saving.
Thanks to an amazing gift from Poppy and Nonna, we spent tons of time on the swingset this summer.
Harlow calls it a “playground” because really— what’s the difference?
We spent lots of time on the beach…
And Harlow finally conquered her fear of the ocean and dipped her feet in the water.
Here’s video:
Mazzy climbed her favorite tree (while wearing her signature dress of the summer, if you haven’t noticed)…
We watched the changing tide from the dock…
Hung out with Grammy…
Went kayaking (which was probably my favorite day of the summer)…
Relaxed indoors…
Ate more roasted marshmallows than I have eaten in my whole life…
And made lots of new friends (both kids and parents)…
It was a very busy summer, that’s for sure. I did not get nearly as much of my book written as I would have liked, but hopefully I’ll be able to figure that out while both kids are in school.
Now, we are back in the city, living our urban life on concrete.
Hoping we find time to go back to the house on the weekends.
To see more of my photos and videos in real time, follow @mommyshorts on Instagram and YouTube.
These kinds of posts, the stories about your kids, are my favorite. I have loved watching your kids grow up.
This is weird but I almost teared up when you mentioned Mazzy and Gavin aren’t “boyfriend and girlfriend” anymore. But i’m pregnant so I have an excuse haha. Still, saddest break-up ever!
I can’t belive these pics didn’t get blogged sooner so many magical moments ♡
Can i ask how much of an age gap is between Mazzy and Harlow? I love that they are so close as sisters 🙂
OH MY GOD! Harlow conquered her fear of the ocean video is the CUTEST thing I ever seem in my life! Soooooooo cute!
Wow so many amazing moments.