A Friendsgiving, a Thanksgiving and a Franksgiving
For some reason, holidays can never be just a day anymore. Halloween stretched for weeks before the 31st, Christmas started before Thanksgiving and I think I’m supposed to start thinking about Valentine’s Day now.
I had three Thanksgivings this year and I’m not complaining— they were all wonderful. I’d just like a moment to write about them before I go full speed into Hanukah. I STILL HAVEN’T WRITTEN ABOUT HARLOW’S BIRTHDAY YET.
Last weekend, we had Friendsgiving at my friend Seri’s house. You can always count on Little Miss Party for a fancy table, a kid’s craft and lots of alcohol.
The light up sign behind the table says “Eat” but looking through my photos the next day, it really looks like “Fat,” which might even be more Thanksgiving appropriate.
Before dinner, the kids made turkey frames with feathers and googly eyes.
This is the pic Mazzy put inside her frame after it was finished.
Harlow was very into helping Seri prepare the food.
Meanwhile Mike was outside frying his first turkey. He came equipped with his own pot and everything.
Nobody got hurt and the turkey tasted delicious. FYI, if you ever want to be the hero of Thanksgiving, bring the turkey and fry it yourself outside. Food + entertainment value.
On Thursday (actual Thanksgiving), we went to my Mike’s cousin’s house in Brooklyn, where (you remember from previous years) everyone is required to perform. It seems this tradition has become less mandatory over the years and I was able to get away with Harlow dancing for our family.
The craziest thing about Thanksgiving at Mike’s cousins’ house is how much all the kids have grown since I first met them when Mike and I first got together nine years ago. Gabriel was three and the ring bearer at our wedding. Now, he is 11 and playing Chopin on the piano. Daniel is in college and Anna, our junior bridesmaid, is a working person who already graduated. NUTS.
Here’s one of my favorite pics from the evening. Notice Mike and Harlow in the back.
Here is my obligatory Thanksgiving dinner plate photo.
Harlow and Mazzy ended the evening by watching their iPads under the stairs. Pie is a pretty disappointing dessert as far as they are concerned and this way, the adults got to chat about adult stuff without anybody whining at the table.
On Friday, we went to Grammy and Sammy’s house for my family Thanksgiving. My mom has been throwing Friday Thanksgiving for the past few years because it lets everyone do separate things on Thursday and still be able to come together the next day. We have in-laws and step-parents and whatnot in our family so her being super flexible really is such a gift to everyone.
Here’s Grammy and Mazzy oohing and aahing over Baby Neve.
My stepbrother and his family came which is always great for the kids. Their daughter Maia is the same age as Mazzy and the two of them always act like their the best of friends even though they only see each other once a year. This year, Harlow fit right in too.
I tried and failed to get Cousin Jack to participate in the photo.
My mom got them all American Girl dolls (it counts as both Harlow and Mazzy’s birthday presents) and they played with them together all day.
Although Harlow’s doll (Rebecca Ruben, the Jewish American Girl doll) is almost bigger than she is and she could barely carry it.
For as long as I can remember, my mom includes a birthday cake for me as part of Thanksgiving dessert. Carvel ice cream cake since I was little. On Friday, I shared that tradition with Mazzy and Harlow since all our birthdays are within the month.
As far as traditions go, this one just got even better.
Love the last picture! I’m going to call my mom right now! Maybe tomorrow, I think mom is sleeping now…
I would say that your girls aren’t eating the right kind of pie; but if I had to choose between ice cream cake and pie, I think I would be right there with them ignoring the pie.
I’m with you. ice cream cake trumps pie. even pecan pie.
Such a sweet post full of love! And I like that you included that the girls were watching something on the ipad. It would have been easy to not mention it to make it all seem even more perfect.
ooooo does your friend Seri have a summer home also? Such lucky (hardworking) ladies and beautiful houses!
Don’t tell my little guy about pie being disappointing… he thinks pumpkin pie is delicious!!!!
PS – love your “old school” posts!
Wow, what a great photo that last one is!
Thank you for sharing your family traditions with us internet strangers 🙂 It’s very sweet and kind of you.
Brilliant idea to have a kids’ craft at a Friendsgiving dinner.
I myself have never thought of it; although we always do make sure there’s plenty of alcohol.
Flexible parents are the best. I’m lucky to have those, too.
So glad your Thanksgivings were great (all three of them) and I hope your holidays continue to be warm and wonderful, Ilana.
What wonderful holidays! Our Thanksgiving was great, except that our son came down with a virus that morning. Two days after thanksgiving, we got to find out which of our guests were now sick as well…
Awwww, that tradition of the cake, and that picture at the end… right in the feels!