Literally thousands of books about pregnancy and childbirth grace the shelves of every bookstore, each one full of advice about everything from prenatal vitamins to postnatal stretch mark cream. Writing a birth plan, having a breathing coach, what to pack in your hospital bag, using a doula, delivering the placenta, blah blah blah blah blah.
None of the books ever actually address the one question every pregnant woman truly wants the answer to: Exactly how terrified should I be about labor and delivery?
Here’s a real table of contents I would have liked to have seen in the childbirth section of my pregnancy book:
And then hopefully in the follow-up book “A Nervous Mom’s Guide to Taking a Baby Home from the Hospital”, the first chapter would be: Exactly what does the color of this poop mean?
This post was written by Robyn Welling. To read more from Robyn, visit Hollow Tree Ventures.
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??? names to call your husband between contractions is definitely a book chapter I want to read
Well, that was disappointing. I was actually hoping for some real advice. I had a traumatic first birth and am terrified of doing it again.
Well, I can tell you that for most people, the second birth is easier than the first. My first labor and delivery took over 24 hours. The second one, I got to the hospital at 6am and had a baby by 9am! I’m not a doctor but most of my friends had similar experiences with their second.
I agree with Mommy Shorts; my first birth was traumatic, too (emergency C-section at 27 weeks) and I was terrified to try again. But my second was full term and normal as can be (though it SEEMED like it took forever!) and for my third I was only in labor for a few hours and pushed for literally 7 minutes! I have heard from most moms that subsequent births are easier, and at the very least know that no birth experience necessarily dictates how the others will be. 🙂
What about vbacs??? Anyone with experience?? Worth it or just go for a repeat c??
Totally worth it!! I had a c-section with my first (after 31 hours of labor and 2 hours of pushing). I had 2 successful VBACS with my second and third. I had tearing, but it was so worth it! I loved having the squishy baby placed right on my chest, recovery was easier, and my baby blues were less.
Thank you!!
Yes! I had a C-sec with my first, and two vbacs after. I had such a good experience with my first vbac, that when I’d moved and my new hospital wouldn’t allow vbacs because of antiquated policies (despite my OBGYN advocating for me to the hospital board) I opted to deliver at a hospital an hour away just to have a vbac again. I almost gave birth in the car on the way to the hospital, but it was worth it! I agree with Amy, that the recovery was way easier.
Thank you!!
[…] Just in time. A Nervous Mom’s Guide to Surviving Childbirth. […]