When you find out you’re having your second (or third, or fourth…) baby, a thousand thoughts start running through your head.
I can’t wait to snuggle this new bundle of joy!
Ugh, why did I gave away all my maternity clothes?
But rest assured, just as many thoughts are running through your toddler’s head. Sure, they’ve asked—probably begged—for a brother or sister before, but once they’re faced with the reality of a baby invading their personal space and hogging up their precious parental time, their attitude tends to change. And since they can’t express themselves with words very well, often their feelings are expressed with tantrums and potty training regression instead.
Fortunately, the funny ladies at The BreakWomb have figured out what our toddlers would say if they could tell us exactly how they felt about getting a new sibling!
Unfortunately, very little of it is good news.
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My 2yo would love this! It would be a great way to keep her busy after her new baby sister is born in a few weeks!!